Well she's back =D> Since it's 5:30 am, can't take any photos as it's entirely too dark. On tap for today and hoping to get it all worked out: Install trim tabs and cut gauge holes in the console.
Trim tabs: The first order of business is going to getting access for the wires for the tabs. Just took an older photo to illustrate what's gotta happen. According to Lenco, the closer the tabs to the edge of the hull the better the performance which makes sense. The tabs are 12" so I'll mount them up one inch from the edges. To gain access to the transom for wiring, I've got to cut and install two deck plates. Worst Marine is slap out of them. My local Academy Sports has them on their site and they open up at 9 to I'm hoping they've got them. Plates are 6".
Gauge installation: I'm adding in an hour meter and water pressure gauge so I've got to crank up the hole saw. Back when I bought these, I found after reading the install directions that they require a 2 1/16" diameter hole. Talk about an off size! Way to go Faria.... Lowes and Home Depot does not stock these in off sizes so I ordered one from Amazon and it's on hand.
The plan for the day is to get my holes cut, install the deck plates and get the trim tabs mounted up along with my Blue Seas 5025 Fuse Panel. I originally hoped to move the two trolling motor batteries under the console and hoped the area was large enough to make it work. Looks like it'll be too tight of a fit so moving to plan b. I'll move the house battery for the electronics and trim tab under the console. It will leave me a bit heavier in the stern than I'd hoped for. I'll put the two TM batteries to port and the cranking batteries to the starboard side of the centerline and then mount up the two battery chargers on the starboard size to try to balance out some weight as best I can.
I also had Brian Linex the console grab bar in black and it came out pretty sweet. I've got to make a run to the local Ace Hardware to stock up on a bunch of stainless hardware for mounting the grab bar, trolling motor etc.
So at first light, it's game on and that's just over an hour away.
Bagger out.