Base layers for the outdoors

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Captain Ahab said:
Jim said:
Captain Ahab said:
Get a StormR jacket and be done with it. January in the surf and still warm

You buy it for me money bags! ;)

This is for commuting(crappy Boston transportation system) and hunting.....stalk and sit.

I just tried to order your one - the 5X is out of stock right now

Wait for it! (umm weight for it i mean :) )

Jerk! :LOL2:
I've been using 12 volt electric motorcycle trouser liners. They draw about 3 amps.

They're like wearing an electric blanket. Warm and toasty. A bit pricey.
I'm with most of the others. ECWS Polypropylene zip top tops and bottoms, or Marino wool underwear, then a LW wool shirt, then a HW wool shirt, and finally a windproof/waterproof insulated jacket/parka and bibs for sitting in inclement weather.
If I'm going to be still hunting, and the weather isn't too bad, I will substitute a Johnson wool jacket and pants for the outer layer.
AND, Mickey Mouse boots for sitting in cold weather!
NO COTTON whatsoever!
I like wool, as long as it's not raining. From what I've read it's the only clothing that will still insulate even when wet, and it's quiet.

Good tip on the tall size, also gives a little extra to cut off just in case of an emergency!! :lol: :p
When it comes to base layers for fishing and hunting, merino wool is an excellent choice for both warm and cold weather. Its natural ability to wick moisture keeps you cool on warmer days, while its insulating properties help retain warmth in colder conditions. If you're tired of marketing confusion, check out for high-quality merino wool base layers designed to keep you comfortable year-round.

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