As promised, I got some pictures of an ALMOST completed front deck extension. I'm waiting to hear back from bassboy1 (fish on fabrications) as to some questions I have regarding the hatches he is making me. Once I hear back I only have a few pieces of angle left to install to complete my framing.
My buddy came over last night and we worked until 11:30. Hurting a bit this morning, but we got a decent amount done. I didn't get any pictures as we progressed because we were working by spotlight.
Now this is dedication!!!
Had to install the face plate for the deck extension because the support angle for the hatch bottoms is higher than my floor. Needed to rivet that piece of angle into the face plate.
Had to drill and install a few solid rivets for my angle supports along the gunwale. Messed up my shiny new paint job

Not sure if you can see in this picture or not, but I sanded a bit of the first hole we drilled to de-bur it before we installed the rivet. The Parkers paint was barely phased by the sand paper. I'm really happy with this paint.
I removed and re-installed my original piece of angle that was to support the hatch floors. I cut it shorter so we could drop down the floor leaving more space for my batteries to fit. Also decided to only floor out the middle compartment. I have battery trays with straps that I'll screw into the pieces of angle you see in this picture. The middle compartment will be partitioned off from the battery compartments by a piece of sheet on each side.
Just a few more pics of the work we got done last night.
I'm SUPER happy with how things are turning out so far. Have the rest of this week and the weekend to get things finished up. Need to tidy up the floor a bit, finish the frame for my deck extension, cut my sheet for the compartment floor and top and cut my foam for under the floor. Then I can go ahead and start prepping the inside of the hull for paint. Was originally planning on painting my floor before it was installed, but taking that piece of sheet in and out is only going to ding the crap out of my paint. So everything will get painted once installed.