bit of fishin bit of camping

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
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cairns australia
the minister of finance ( the missus) and I decided to go away for a camp friday afternoon so we headed up to a spot i had never been to before with the dog in tow. We headed west from the cairns area at about 2pm and arrivied at the camp at about 4.30 and to our surprise we were greeted by what can only be described as a oasis the weir is spring fed so its flows all year round and is also crystal clear. We baited the crayfish pots first then set up the camp realising we forgot half the camping gear so ruffing it (for us) was the name of the game.
After we got all set up a big electrical storm rolled in making us think we were better of staying at home but when we checked the cray pots just before bed we were surpised to get 2 good size crays so things were looking up.
This moringing we woke up to a absolutly picture perfect day the water was like glass and the sun was shining. We checked the pots and were dissapointed to only pick up one more cray so we fired up the bbq and it was bacon and eggs for breaky. after brecky we got the rod out and just mucked around with bread and caught a heep of archer fish (also known as rifle fish) which were great fun on the 3 lb gear. Cause its currently the build up to the wet season and stinking hot we decided we would call it a day and head home after a quick swim and check the pots one last time and to our surprise there were no crays but we accidently caught 2 sawshell turtles which were very cute and i must say it was tempting to take them home with us but with out a pond or tank we decided to release them after a few photos.
all up it was a great little getaway and i cant wait to get back up there with the boat and ALL the camping gear.


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Weather looks great.
Those archer fish look alittle like a perch/rock bass cross.
When camping in spots like that do you have to look out for any spiders,insects,snakes,crocs etc ?
When camping here biting insects are the biggest pests but just wondering what you have to look out for.
Great pics. I love camping (almost) as much as I love fishing. It's great when you can put the two together.
yeah snakes are the biggest problem we would face out there but its more the dog i worry about cause we know to just walk away and leave it alone where as he sees it as something to play with and will almost certainly get bitten. i have a funny story about spiders too! at night i was showing the girlfriend how the wolf spiders eyes reflect light and after i found one i went to point it out and the bloody thing attacked my finger but not biting me scaring the crap out of me. Crocs are not really a problem as where we were was a freshwater spring about 100km from the salt, saying that we do get freshwater crocs there but they are harmless unless provoked. As poolie said its great if u can combine the both for a good weekend where we are bush camps are getting harder and harder to find we dont really like travelling 150 km or so to just camp in a caravan/rv park to me it defeats the purpose plus we usually cant take the dog and camping aint the same without the big boofhead. Is 4x4 ing popular in the states? we love getting to all the hard to reach places and half the fun is getting there
I agree on the great post. Thats what I love about the internet real people talking to real people from the other part of the world. We all for the most part just want to work, eat and play have a good time with our family and loved ones. Please keep the pictures coming from Australia (neat country). I saw on tv where you folks had the most poisonous snakes on the planet. Wow that will make look before you you put your butt on the ground :shock:
yeah mate we sure do its a snake called a tipan and believe it or not where we live is right in the middle of the habitat. dont quote me but i think australia 6 of the top 10 deadliest snakes in the world but as long as u are careful and if u see one give them a wide berth they are not a worry. Im hoping that come thurday i will be able to put a great fishing report together (touch wood) cause im going chasing barra up at lake tinaroo home to the biggest barra in the world

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