on my insurance anything being towed is covered. i would talk to his insurance and see what they say, could turn into yours and your company will chase his down and get you a boat back
I think the trailer could be repaired or rebuilt (new tongue or use axles and such for a new one). Much of it remains sound. The motor? Looks bad, but I'd give it a GOOOD once over before trashing it. Someone might be happy to pay for a few parts. The boat? Hard to trust something that took a beating like that. You can probably get the $100 loss by scrapping the boat.
Of course it still stinks that you're off the water, and need to build the newer, better, fancier replacement before you can go out again....
I do carry insurance on my boat AND contents. Too much invested...even if it's just love...to have anything happen to it and me pay out of pocket. Cost me less than $100 a year. Fortunately, I haven't had to use it.
I carry a large amount of insurance on my boat and it is combined with my homeowners ins for about $100 a year. I figured for the amount of time and effort that went into the build that I should insure it heavily and with full coverage.