I'm a little late to this party, but as I'm nearing completion of my project on the 1962 Lone Star Malibu, I'm starting to consider naming the boat and found this thread. I never named any of my previous boats, but I think this one is worth a name. My first boat, a 20-ft Yukon Delta houseboat that I converted into a deck boat, had the name
Molly Brown (as in the unsinkable) when I bought her and I kept it. My current houseboat was already named
Serenity when I bought her, which I like and kept.
My parents never named any of their boats either, but they did have a 1/6th hare of a Holiday Mansion houseboat that was named
Magic Dragon.
I've got a few ideas for a name for the Malibu:
1. A pun play on "Perfect 10", but that might be a little pretentious.
2. My son loves rubber ducks, so...
3. I suppose this might be a little on the nose.
4. This one is useful.
5. It's a tin boat with fins like a car from the 50s, this seems pretty descriptive and it rhymes.
6. It's going to be kind of tender when I take it out with the houseboat, and it's a little word play on the popular social dating app, though I'm not sure I want to associate with that.
I was also thinking of just using an online poll to vote for a name for the boat, but then I'm liable to end up with something like Boaty McBoatface (
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/...you-get-when-you-let-the-internet-decide.html); though that is the name my wife is pushing for.
As far as placement, I'm going to put it on the transom, port side.