Can You ID This Outboard?

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Good news is, it isn't a Seloc manual :) Bad news is, it's a Clymer..... even worse :lol: Yeah it's better to know now trust me. Manuals like this are worthless. You will see what I mean when you get it and try to find your outboard in it lol.... It is almost impossible to navigate and use.

And being your motor is so old I don't think anyone will even bat an eye at it so you should be ok. But if you are even just a little mechanically inclined you should be able to do all the work yourself with pretty basic tools. People fear outboards, but it is really easier than it looks trust me.
Johny25 said:
People fear outboards, but it is really easier than it looks trust me.

true! i used to get nervous everytime i go boating, fearing the motor might break down while i'm out in the water. now that i know how my motor works, i can relax. i go boating even on remote lakes as long as i have a few basic tools, and spare plugs and drive pins, and enough premix fuel of course.

you have a nice motor. i don't know how it works in your area, but i've read that boat registration is needed in some places. you might need the motor id tag for proper documentation. look for somebody who sells a similar motor for parts and ask if you can buy just the tag, it's riveted.
Your right J.P. I forgot about that, around here you don't need to register the motor but Wisconsin my be different. I seem to remember in MN I had to even register my trolling motor? But that was 20yrs ago so maybe I am crossed up on what I remember?
I sent my application for renewal and title transfer away to the DNR last week. There wasn't anything about registering the motor. They just want to know what kind of motor you have the the boat, and it's nothing too specific. We don't even need to license our boat trailers here. :D

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