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nathanielrthomas said:
But make no mistake, Gander Mtn. can exchange it on the spot, just like anthing they sell in the store.

Not sure if this falls in the same category, but I know BPS will not take back particular brands, and insist you send them to the manufacturer (St. Croix and G Loomis), and abu might be one of them. Chances are Gander Mtn. would have similar standards. I'd have to imagine its some type of agreement between the store and the manufacturer, and not just the store trying to jack you around.

That's half the reason I went to carbonlites.. broke one on a boat cleat, and exchanged it without even saying what happened. Not to mention, they were onsale at the time so I got a new rod and 20 bucks cash. Only a one year warranty, but you can just buy a new rod and return/exchange the old one if you won't lose sleep at night.
Loomis charges $50 regardless I thought. Not sure on St. Croix.

I'm converting to Shimano everything..If you break a rod in your door or on a fish, bring it to an authorized dealer and they'll trade it out right there. No shipping it back, and no $50 check in the rod tube.
Sorry to hear your rod broke but glad it was on a fish. I have had my rods broken accidently at the tips by my kids and just repaired them with no issues. Really couldn't notice any difference it the way it fished.

Good luck on the return.

nathanielrthomas said:
breachless said:
thought about taking in to Gander Mountain and just see if they would do anything about it, but I have to find the receipt first...

Dont just see if theyll do anything about it. Demand(nicely) they do something. Dont ever give them an opportunity to weasle out of an exchange. Just walk in there and confidently tell them that your rod broke on a fish, and youd like to exchange it. If they give you some crap about taking it up with Abu, make them give you all the contact info and explain the warranty procedure thoroughly. But make no mistake, Gander Mtn. can exchange it on the spot, just like anthing they sell in the store.

By the way, Abu carries a one year warranty on thier rods. And if you broke it by loading it up with 55# test powerpro, you can forget about the warranty. The rod has to break under the normal conditions with the recommended line weight as stated in the rod specs. At least dont admit it if you had braid on it.

Id be pissed dude, thats a $100 rod that snapped on a 4 pounder. Thats weak. They need to make it right. Dont give up until someone fixes it for you. And I wouldnt settle for anything less than a free rod.
Not quite sure how I missed this one the first time I read this, but demanding things (nicely or not) is not going to get you far. As a store, WE don't have to do anything. In fact, if a customer comes in and asks if we can do anything and is reasonable, its more likely we will do something for you. Coming in and saying I "have" to do something is going to make it worse. The walkie talkies and ear pieces we wear are pretty sweet, because my manager knows you're being a D-bag before he even gets out of his chair.

Like I said in my previous post, how do you expect a company to replace literally dozens of rods a week because people break them. I imagine that some of these are probably legit, but a very small number compared to the amount of people telling the same story, when they really slammed it in a car door. This is the reason places are starting to stray away from replacing every single broken rod that comes in the door. I have watched guys slam brand new rods in their doors in our parking lot, and come in and tell some sob story about how a 10lb Bass was lost because it broke.

I agree, in this specific situation it was not the users direct fault. No, a 4 pound fish should not break a rod under normal use, however the rod tip meeting the prop isn't exactly normal, now is it? If I put a 4 pound fish on my line and then slam it in my tail gate, that must mean its normal circumstances and "must" be replaced by the store too, right?
Ok, you guys are right, Im an A-hole with a chip on my shoulder. Blame it on the **** military, I cant help it im so bitter. :LOL2: :LOL2: Breachless, in my case Ive always gotten to return an item by confidently telling the employee what my plans are. I just took a $500 Samsung back to wally world last week. I went up to the Cashier and said, "I bought this TV last week, and now its got a dead pixel, and Id like to swap it for another one". And she gave me a gift card with refund on it. I could have went up and said, "My TV is messed up, is there anything I can do about it?" and she would have had an opportunity to steer me in a different direction. Bump that.

I put 3 years of my life working at the corporate monster known wal mart(distribution center) and Ive seen pot heads and pill poppers destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of goods($15,000 was the biggest accident report Ive ever seen on a truck load of DVD players that got smashed by a stoner on a fork lift) And thats pocket change to these guys. And now im in the Navy getting screwed by uncle sam every 15 minutes.

So back to my point, Do I feel bad when I exchange something at one of these marketing giants that put the small business owner out of work? No. The markup on these products is insane anyway. I look at it as my opportunity to get back at the man. GM just got 400 gazillion bucks from uncle sam, but they still charge you $40,000 for a new truck. Bump that too. I take money where I can get it. BPS charges 180 bucks for a new curado, and I can get it for $140 at a mom and pop tackle store. And BPS can only give me a 10% military discount 7 days an f'n month(21st-27th)? Im in the miltary 365 days a year! Bump that too, I'll screw them and Gander Mnt every chance I get.

Breachless, i have a vendetta. A personal one.

I love it when the cashier doesnt see that case of bottled water in the bottom of the buggy, and I just walk right out with it. It really makes my day. Maybe I need counseling.... Thanks for letting me vent.
Once again you compare apples to oranges. A dead pixel in a tv that's a week old shouldn't happen under normal use. Just like the rod tip shouldn't break on a 4lb fish. But I doubt your tv met a good sized piece of aluminum while you were watching it.

Not trying to be an ***, but there is a difference between you breaking something and a product failing.
ShadowWalker said:
Once again you compare apples to oranges. A dead pixel in a tv that's a week old shouldn't happen under normal use. Just like the rod tip shouldn't break on a 4lb fish. But I doubt your tv met a good sized piece of aluminum while you were watching it.

Not trying to be an ***, but there is a difference between you breaking something and a product failing.

guity as charged, but I felt a lot better getting all that out. Thanks shadowwalker for setting me straight. I needed that. Sorry for my outburst guys. I like apples and oranges, and the occasional banana. Some may even say I'm nuts. Lol. I love you guys.

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