Well-known member
First and fore most I have to thank Jim who not only organized it but also went out of his way to make this trip way more than I expected =D> =D> =D> THANKS MAN!!!!
The trip for me and shinerman almost didnt start out too good, but Joe (shinerman) will post about that. Heres the whole rundown after that tho:
Shortly after arriving and getting settled into the lodge we ran into fishing cop, leg breaker & her husband then headed to scope out the lake. I planned to do some night shore fishing, but then decided to drop in on Jim & Reno...... Well I didnt get any fishing done that night, instead It was spent greeting other members as they trickled in, throwing the bull and enjoying a few beers!!!! All-in-all a great way to relax from a long trip!!
Friday it was up and out early and man was it cold n wet, I started beating the banks (my favorite way to fish!) when Bubba shows up and offers me a seat on his boat! Great I think, so we load up and get set to launch, with the ole Addict holding the rope Bubba starts to launch and everything looks good! that is until i notice the rope attached to the boat is too short (thats my story and i'm sticking to it).... Well long story short the boat got launched with us on shore!!!! Good thing the wind was blowing toward the dock cause a short wait and we were set to fish!!!! IMO best launch EVER! Fishing that day was slow to say the least (and did I mention COLD N WET) but bubba did manage to get this guy

and teach me a lot about deep water bassin' THANKS BUBBA!!! That night we were planning to have a fish fry but due to the lack of fish we were forced to hit the all you can eat catfish buffet down the road!!! And after dinner it was back to Jim and Renos place for some beers and another bull session.
Saturday: I did not wanna get out of bed this morning n face the cold but after a bit i forced myself up, got me a cup of coffee and headed out for a smoke and snap a few pics.

do a little fishing

And enjoy the sunset

After that it was back to Jim & Renos place for a hotdog/hamburger feast, prizes, storys of the day and....... you guessed it more BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The trip for me and shinerman almost didnt start out too good, but Joe (shinerman) will post about that. Heres the whole rundown after that tho:
Shortly after arriving and getting settled into the lodge we ran into fishing cop, leg breaker & her husband then headed to scope out the lake. I planned to do some night shore fishing, but then decided to drop in on Jim & Reno...... Well I didnt get any fishing done that night, instead It was spent greeting other members as they trickled in, throwing the bull and enjoying a few beers!!!! All-in-all a great way to relax from a long trip!!
Friday it was up and out early and man was it cold n wet, I started beating the banks (my favorite way to fish!) when Bubba shows up and offers me a seat on his boat! Great I think, so we load up and get set to launch, with the ole Addict holding the rope Bubba starts to launch and everything looks good! that is until i notice the rope attached to the boat is too short (thats my story and i'm sticking to it).... Well long story short the boat got launched with us on shore!!!! Good thing the wind was blowing toward the dock cause a short wait and we were set to fish!!!! IMO best launch EVER! Fishing that day was slow to say the least (and did I mention COLD N WET) but bubba did manage to get this guy

and teach me a lot about deep water bassin' THANKS BUBBA!!! That night we were planning to have a fish fry but due to the lack of fish we were forced to hit the all you can eat catfish buffet down the road!!! And after dinner it was back to Jim and Renos place for some beers and another bull session.
Saturday: I did not wanna get out of bed this morning n face the cold but after a bit i forced myself up, got me a cup of coffee and headed out for a smoke and snap a few pics.

do a little fishing

And enjoy the sunset

After that it was back to Jim & Renos place for a hotdog/hamburger feast, prizes, storys of the day and....... you guessed it more BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!