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i take 2 metformin a day but the're not working. my bs #'s are between 11 and 14 so my diet is working,but i need to adjust my meds.maybe time for incretins,or insulin.seeing my doc on tuesday.i dont think my stomach can take a higher dose of metformin.i already have bad reflux problems.
My problem is still at night.. when i wake my numbers are between 160 and 195 dr wants them below 120 then I take my shot before breakfast and by lunch i am between 090 ans 110 for the rest of the day.. just had my blood taken yesterday so i will see how my a1c is on mon or tues.
bcbouy said:
i take 2 metformin a day but the're not working. my bs #'s are between 11 and 14 so my diet is working,but i need to adjust my meds.maybe time for incretins,or insulin.seeing my doc on tuesday.i dont think my stomach can take a higher dose of metformin.i already have bad reflux problems.

Metformin used to upset my stomach bad. cramps and things. That's went I was switched to glyburide. I never did think it worked as well for me.
Just got my appt. set for next friday to learn how to take insulin. joy joy
try to get the flex pens if your insurance covers them they make it very simple I can take my pen out fishing and just keep it in the cooler for when i need it
redbug said:
My problem is still at night.. when i wake my numbers are between 160 and 195 dr wants them below 120 then I take my shot before breakfast and by lunch i am between 090 ans 110 for the rest of the day.. just had my blood taken yesterday so i will see how my a1c is on mon or tues.
This is when I have problems also at night. I take a shot at bedtime which is long acting and when I check in the morning my BS might be 100 or it might be 200. I then take a shot of the short acting and it brings it down to around 100. which will last all day. I was told to shot for an average of 100 but it could be in a range of 80 to 130. I also take a 1000 mg of metform twice a day. If my BS gets below 100 I cannot do anything as it takes everything out of me. I also agree on the pens they are easy to use and can be carried with you. I carried one all the time when we went to Germany. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that has problems regulating my sugar level.
I have the varying problem too. We never know what it's gonna be.
From 51 on a hot sunny day working outside, to 350+ after spending an evening in the house watching TV.

My A1C was 7.5 meaning I have less than 20 years to live.

I eat a snack every two hours. Meat and Cheese mostly. (that's slowly bringing the weight down)
No Meals, no Carbs or Pasta of any kind. Lo Salt. Eat your Veggies raw or lightly blanched.

We just cannot get a handle on that BG. Or what causes the rise and fall.
My parents are/were both diabetics. My dad was taking shots twice a day until he passed away several years ago at age 86. My mom at 86 now, has her's under control by diet and I'm not sure what pills. She takes so many pills for different things it's difficult to keep track.

So with me being overweight at age 60, I'm sure I've got an extremely high chance of having that to look forward to in my very near future. I quit smoking almost a year ago, so I hope I can get my weight back down and under control to increase my odds of not becoming diabetic or at least put it off for a lot longer.
Almost a week on insulin and while the needle doesn't bother me like I thought it might, I haven't gotten to the right dosage yet.

Dr. started me out at 30 units and my blood sugar went up because was off the pills I guess. Now I'm up to 50 units and still no sign of helping. Wake up and blood sugar is 170 or so then goes up from there.

Nurse was saying what a miracle drug insulin is. Like I told her, I remember getting better results from some I tried in my youth! lol
parkerdog said:
Almost a week on insulin and while the needle doesn't bother me like I thought it might, I haven't gotten to the right dosage yet.

Dr. started me out at 30 units and my blood sugar went up because was off the pills I guess. Now I'm up to 50 units and still no sign of helping. Wake up and blood sugar is 170 or so then goes up from there.

Nurse was saying what a miracle drug insulin is. Like I told her, I remember getting better results from some I tried in my youth! lol

What type of insuln did they put you on? I was on a couple different ones before they found one that would work. I was told the saw as you about the miracle drug and I just figures stab and go, but quickly found out different
been taking the new meds and the metformin. i have my #'s right on the mark now. :D the wife came to my info classes and now understands that my diet is crucial to my health.she isn't fighting the diet change at all,god bless her.my feet are really starting to go.
I've been on Novalog 75/25 and Humalog 80/20 (or about that much) with the "Straight stuff" used for sliding scale if I go over 200.

I test every two hours. Then eat a Meat/Cheese/Veggie snack. No MEALS! Just a snack.
Stay away from the Creamed soups.
Chicken broth is good for you but has lot's of 'other' stuff in it.
Learn to boil down an old layer and season with "Tony Saccaries" ! Lo salt and great taste.
I am on Lantus and take Novolog on a sliding scale plus 2 Metform a day. I had to go to the doctor after Christmas with a sinus infection and he gave me some antibio for it. Since them my BG levels have dropped with a high of 150 at night and around 100 in the morning. I use to take 70 units of Lantus at night and one shot or Novolog during the day. But now I only take 40 units of Lantus a day and no Novolog. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.
Does the metformin bother anybody elses digestive tract? I had to quit taking it close to a year ago. After about any meal I'd get cramps and didn't stray too far from home. Another dr. appt. tomorrow. They like to give insurance companies a workout.
I used to take glucophage, but it really didnt work at all for me ( was taking 1000mg twice a day ) but for the last couple of years I've been taking Lantus at night and Apidra on a sliding scale. ( both in the pen ). Been a diabetic since 2000 and trust me it pays to maintain a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just a diet.
I have days that the metformin tears me up and other days i'm fine.
i have been on the novalog for a year now and am doing fairly well except at night.
i have put a few pounds back on due to work I was working out on the street for 15 years and was moved into training
i spend most days in meetings and that means free lunch i eat salad when they have it but that doesnt happen often
Fishingtech said:
I used to take glucophage, but it really didnt work at all for me ( was taking 1000mg twice a day ) but for the last couple of years I've been taking Lantus at night and Apidra on a sliding scale. ( both in the pen ). Been a diabetic since 2000 and trust me it pays to maintain a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just a diet.
Metforum doesnt bother me but the gluophage caused me to have a cough. I thought that what was cousing it but when I went back for my checkup I was taken off it and put back on metrforum. The lantus caused me to gain weight even by by me eatting much less. When I excersise some days it lowers my blood sugar and other days it has no effect on it at all.
Dr. bumped my lantus up to 65 units and put me on humalog/sliding scale. No more glyburide though.

The lantus must finally be getting close to the right dose because I just checked my bg before lunch and it was 135. Usually it's been 180-190 before lunch.

4 units of humalog and stick myself in another couple of hours. The damn lancet for the test hurts more than the shot of insulin. Can't even really feel it.
no that you are the stick before meals be sure to carry some snacks with you at all times if you start to feel clamy check your sugar. below 70 you are reaching the danger area so watch that

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