Dialing - in new boat/motor


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I got mine up just at 1 3/4" . It looks right and measures level with the keel but won't know if it helped or hurt until this weather lets up. I am going over to fish the Hillsborough river next week and hope to figure it out before I leave.

Not sure how good your existing boat cover is but you could take it to an upholstery shop and have them do a cutout where the console is and sew a bag / sleeve in place.
So I finally got to run the boat with the motor lifted 1 7/8". What a difference I am amazed how something so simple can make such a difference. I went from 22.3 mph with just me and a normal load to 28.2 mph and from 17.4 mph with 2 FULL size guys and normal load to 22.7 mph. Still getting plenty of wa terrible to the motor and the boat feels great in turns .
That's awesome...6 mph gain. Sounds like you got it where it wants to be...

I'm not expecting to see 6 mph, but I'm hoping for a couple.

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Woo hoo! Look what the fedex man brought me...


Guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
That will be a LOOOOOOOOOONG tiller handle extension. Have you stood in it to see how being that far away feels?

By the way the console looks AWESOME!!!
I stood in it and held a tape measure behind me...
I think a 36" tiller extension will work. Funny how far away it looks in the picture...remember it's only a 14 foot boat.
I agree that they did a super job building the console. They used 1 1/4" shedule 40 tubing. And I hope you don't mind Fishfreek, I stole another of your ideas...

These will fit perfectly. I can't help it...you've got good ideas. ..

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Awesome. .... great minds think alike :D

We need to get together sometime soon and compare. Do you ever do any fresh water fishing on Toho?

I love those rod holders and they seem like they will last a long time. I have 2 extras that I bought with the original order.
I used to be a freshwater guy, but about 10 years ago I caught a 42" redfish from a kayak and never looked back. I know where the holes are in west lake though if you ever wanted to do some speck fishing. Still a good month or so for them.
I ordered the ironwood pacific helmsmate tiller extension that extends to 50". It says it's for up to 15 hp, but I figure I can make it work until I can find someone to make me a "heavy duty" version. The main problem is the size and shape of the grip on the motor. It's about 5" long and 1.65" at the small end and tapers up to 1.83" at the big end. Not many people advertise extensions that look to fit my tiller...and even less seem to sell them for less than about $300...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Check out Carbon Marine over on the west coast. They make them to fit anything but they are expensive.

I used to fish several bass tournament trails some years up to 45 weeks ago year. Not into tournaments anymore and no matter how many or what size reds and trout I catch I will always keep going back to bass fishing..
I had to make an extension to fit a vintage Honda outboard. The Honda twist throttle did not like the mod and it broke the plastic twist mechanism. The good thing was the twist grip went into a cable that was just like a bicycle break cable. I added a longer cable to extend down the length of the extension and tried a thumb throttle at first made from an old shifter but settled on a BMX bike break lever. I used it like that for 5 years and loved it. One finger is all the throttle needed. A dirt bike throttle would have worked but I really liked the break lever.
I've been trying to make a decision on whether to use a transom mount hand control trolling motor on the bow or a full on bow mount motor. The way I fish, it will get A LOT of use and since all I will use this boat for is fishing, it doesn't need to be removable.
I decided on the Minn Kota Riptide Terrova SP...
I ordered it today and I'm pretty sure I already know how I'm going to mount it, but was curious as to whether anyone has a picture of this, (or the freshwater version ), mounted on a Tracker Grizzly bow. My hull is a 2015 and it seems like the only year that Tracker did NOT build a trolling motor mount into the bow.
This is what I'm working with...

Any pics...or tips...?

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
I have a 2015 1648 MVX. I just mounted mine directly to the nose. There is a piece if wood underneath that I guess they put there for added strength. Mine is not a terrova it's got the gator style mount that came on the cable steer motors. I'll see if I can get you a pic.
My first thought was to mount it like that. The concern I have is, (and I guess I'll know for sure on Friday when it gets here), is that the control head would be hanging over the side of the gunwale. I can't tell if yours is hanging over.
The reason I went with the terrova is simply because the mounting footprint looked to be smaller and it looked shorter when stowed than the others with the gator mount.
So there's wood under the bow...hmmm.
I'll crawl up under there tonight and check mine. Can you get to the back of your plug under the bow or did you have to drill out the rivets and remove the plate it's mounted in?

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
I had to drill out the rivets to get up under there. But I had planned on putting a plug in one of the plates anyway so removing the plate was no big deal. The best way to do it was to drill it with a1/4 inch drill bit till the head spins of then punch it the rest of the way out with a 1/8 inch punch. There is also some foam up under there that you may have to remove. Once I got everything mounted and wired (nab lights depth finder and power port) I just riveted the plates back on and it looks perfect.
My trolling motor got here last night and I spent this morning installing it.
First off, it's not a Terrova as it was listed on Bass Pro's website. It's a Riptide SP which I believe stands for saltwater powerdrive. It does have the copilot remote and is upgradeable to ipilot.

It looks big on my little 14' boat, but I bet it'll drag me around the flats without breaking a sweat and get me back to the ramp if my gasser quits.
Killintime, thanks for the heads up! The install went like clockwork. I think the plywood is there to give you something to bolt onto besides the 1/8" of aluminum.

I didn't mount it in the center because at some point I may add nav lights and would want the bow light centered. Besides with the length of the tm shaft, the head would have hung over the gunwale when stowed. I think it'll be fine where it's at.
There are two things to note:
First for everyone wondering how to run wiring for lights, I found a chase that goes all the way to the stern sheet under the floor. I found it by accident and had to cut away a little foam to expose the end of it...

The second thing is DON'T DROP YOUR WRENCH when tightening the tm mount bolts! I did and it took nearly an hour fishing around in the bottom of the hull with a magnetic pickup tool.
Mounting the battery, 50A circuit breaker, Plug, and motor took about two hours total. Now if the wind dies down, I'll test it out tomorrow.
One question. When I hook the battery charger to the battery, do I need to disconnect the trolling motor first?

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Glad it all worked out good for you. I wish I would have known about that chase for the wiring I hated having my wires exposed, so I may have to rewire down the road.
Your install looks good. I've never disconnected the trolling motor to charge but I've always had a off switch installed so that the trolling motor doesn't constantly have power to it. Our wonderful saltwater loves to corrode powered connections.
With both trolling motors I have had they say in the manual to disconnect the trolling motors when charging. I simply just bought a quick disconnect that ends right at the battery.

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