Dialing - in new boat/motor


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HeavyHook said:
With both trolling motors I have had they say in the manual to disconnect the trolling motors when charging. I simply just bought a quick disconnect that ends right at the battery.
Yeah I guess I should have read the owners manual...
Not only does it say to disconnect when charging, but it also says I need a 60A circuit breaker. I installed a 50A.
If I would learn to read the manual BEFORE I installed stuff...

I ordered a 36" carbon fiber tiller extension, a grab rail grip cover for the console, and a stainless prop today. That should do it for awhile...time to start hitting the coast and enjoying this thing while my credit cards cool off...
2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Tiller extension arrived today along with the stainless prop...


Heading over to the lagoon in the morning for our maiden saltwater voyage...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Was thinking eddy creek. I haven't been there in about 6 months so I don't know how much water is in there...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Cool, just curious if I'm going to be out with one of my nephews but won't be that far north.

Enjoy your boat hope everything works as well as you planned.
Thanks, I hope so too. If you're gonna be south of me, you must be headed to the banana river?
Good luck!

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
fl.graderman said:
Fishfreek said:
I see a new boat cover in your future once you put that new console in place . I got the motor raised but can't test in this weather.

How far did you wind up raising it? I actually have to lower mine 1". Then I can trim it up one pin hole. I figure with me standing centered midships at the console, I'll be running at optimum speed, rpms, and weight distribution. Then I'm swapping my aluminum prop for same pitch stainless...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper

I skimmed over the thread, and the one thing that was jumping out at me was swapping the aluminum prop for a SS model. Everything I've ever heard says SS will stay hooked up better than Aluminum. Another item to look into might be a permatrim tail on the motor. Boasts better planing at lower speeds, and no speed loss when properly setup. When i put the jackplate on mine it will be getting a new 4 blade SS prop and permatrim.

I'd also contact a true prop guru and fill them in on your setup and desires. Many features about a prop determine how it performs, much more than just pitch and the amount of blades. Cupping, rake, etc all make a difference in how they perform.

Either way though, the speeds you are seeing are actually pretty impressive for that size of rig. My Xpress with the factory setup isn't running much faster. Granted, I have a larger rig with larger motor, and still a factory setup that is much less than ideal, but I'm not anticipating any great gains in speed. I'm looking more to enhance handling characteristics and increase my draft by about 5-6".

Great thread!
I went out this morning to run the boat and try to do some fishing. I need to think about what direction to go in next, because I am really less than impressed by a few things.
First, the new prop made a big difference in performance all the way around. Quicker holeshot, faster to 5700 rpms, no noticeable loss in top speed.
Second, I love the trolling motor. At top speed it leaves a wake behind me. Have to pay attention when changing direction, I wasn't at one point while standing on the front deck and almost threw myself over.

Now the bad:

I don't like the console/tiller extension. Especially when I have to be at the motor to work the shifter, ie. launching and loading or maneuvering around the dock. Plus the console takes up too much valuable real estate and doesn't help as much with weight distribution as I expected. In fact, just the weight of the TM and it's battery up front stopped my porpoising. After I rebuild my twist throttle assembly, (trying to remove the extension on the water resulted in pulling my throttle apart.), I will continue to use the extension, but will cut it back to about 18" long. I do, however, see my console going up for sale. Anyone needing one, pm me.

Lastly, I definitely need pods. Psycho, I've never heard of permatrims but after reading about them, I think they'll only fix 1/2 of the problem.
I couldn't get on plane today in less than 2 feet of water! The boat is sooo azz-heavy, everytime I gave it throttle, the skeg drove right into the bottom and churned up mud. This is no good considering most of my fishing is done in 2' or less. When drifting, I like to leave the motor down and tach the wind to control direction, but there again...2' or less and I'm dragging in the mud. If pods do nothing more but offset the weight of the motor, it'll be 100% better.

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Wow man sorry to hear about all the disappointment with your console. Had mine out today with the nephew and the only thing I would change is to remember to turn the headlights off on my van after launching. Might list the console of. Microskiff.com probably get rid of it fast that way.

Where did you get the SS prop? Having a hard time finding one for my 20hp Honda
Yeah I'm a little disappointed. I believe I've done all I can do with weight dist. and setting up the motor.
These are the facts:
It planes fast in deeper water.
It rides smooth and accelerates to 5700 rpms very quickly.
No porpoising, no blowout, reaches 29 mph.
It sits too deep in the water. In 18" or less my skeg becomes a shallow water anchor.
In 2 feet or less it becomes a plow and won't get on plane at all.

I like the console and the extension. They are both quality pieces and both do exactly what they were intended to do, but I bought them thinking that if I moved my body weight forward it would lighten up the aft end of the boat...it did not. And it made maneuvering and functioning the gear shift awkward.

I've been thinking about it all day and the only two options I see are either forget about shallow water (flats) fishing. Or lighten up the stern. Since I can't (won't) go to a smaller, lighter motor, the only solution I see is flotation pods...and it wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds myself. I may ultimately have to lose the jackplate as well, bringing the motor 4" forward.
Oh well...any thoughts?
The prop came from Dan's Discount Props. It was $157 shipped in one week. It's a Solas New Saturn.

BTW...What's up at the lagoon? I was expecting the usual crystal clear water...looked like chocolate milk.

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Pods will deff help with squat on take off, and help channel water to possibly even raise your motor higher.
riverrat717 said:
Pods will deff help with squat on take off, and help channel water to possibly even raise your motor higher.
My thoughts as well...

Incidentally the console is out of the boat and is now up for sale...

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Parts finally came in for the twist throttle. Just like new again...

Console is out, extension cut back. Gonna stick to deeper water for awhile until I get those pods. Planning to run the crap out of here and try to get the motor decarb'd in the mean time.

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
Sweet build. I have the exact same motor on 1648 alumacraft. I love how quite it is while trolling. I took the oiling system off immediately. Not sure if you have done the same. They had problems with them and have smoked a lot of rings. Anyway...nice boat...keep up the tinkering.
Slough Runner said:
Sweet build. I have the exact same motor on 1648 alumacraft. I love how quite it is while trolling. I took the oiling system off immediately. Not sure if you have done the same. They had problems with them and have smoked a lot of rings. Anyway...nice boat...keep up the tinkering.
I didn't take it off, but the po did. What type oil do you run through yours and do you get a lot of unburnt oil out of the exhaust?
Just ordered a set of trim tabs last night. I really liked the idea of pods, but finding a welder that can, (and will), install them is tough. So I'm going to try these instead:

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper
I have the same year boat as you. I would like to know how the trim tabs work for you. I have a 4 stroke suzuki 20 on it. I have CM power tilt and trim, made a jack plate and no matter how I set it up I can only get 22mph with just me in it. (185lbs) With one other person its hard to plane. I've tried 2 ss props, 200 hydrfoil. it's a very heavy boat that I set up for floundering.
boatman2 said:
I have the same year boat as you. I would like to know how the trim tabs work for you. I have a 4 stroke suzuki 20 on it. I have CM power tilt and trim, made a jack plate and no matter how I set it up I can only get 22mph with just me in it. (185lbs) With one other person its hard to plane. I've tried 2 ss props, 200 hydrfoil. it's a very heavy boat that I set up for floundering.
They just arrived today, and I probably won't get them installed until next weekend, but I will definitely post pics and my opinion.
Do you have any weight up front? Mounting the TM on the bow and putting a battery up front did more for the way my hull rides than anything else.
As far as speed, 22.5 seems to be typical for a 20 hp 4stroke...from reading through posts here...
What pitch prop are you running? Three blade or four? What are your rpms @ WOT?
A couple of weeks ago I posted that I got to 29 mph with my brand new stainless 12 pitch prop. I haven't been able to do that again since. Maybe it was because I was in salt water, (more buoyant), or the stiff tail wind, I don't know. But ever since that day, I'm running between 27-28. Not that 1 mph makes a big difference.

2015 Tracker Grizzly 1448 MVX
1996 Evinrude 25hp 3 cylinder looper

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