I talked to someone about this who owned his own shop and said he personally had worked on these outboards allot along with tons more of course and I asked him what he thought, he said he has never personally seen one fail in his lifetime and shouldn't unless owner neglect comes into play. He said just leave it be if it runs flawlessly no matter how old she is and if you want peace of mind just pull the bottom plug once a mth to Check for any water on the plug,that would be a good indication of a failed gasket usually,he went on to say he would bet the original gaskets would last for the rest of the time I own it and so on till it's retired. He said don't worry and just enjoy without panic. Works for me,just for peace of mind I will check the lower plug once a month,there is no problems with this outboard and I plan to keep it that way. Case closed, I will leave it be. I at least have the gaskets on hand if it does act up. Thanks to all for the helpful info.