Fish wrasslin' 101

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When I was looking to buy a jon I saw a couple of used WarEagles at the dealership (Tyler Boats, Inc., Rockport, IN. Good folks there!) where I bought my Lowe rig. Both of the WarEagles had the camo treatment.

Quackrstackr said:
The Canadian film crew was trying to figure out where to put all of their gear yesterday when the camera man said "I don't care where the gear goes but I'm riding in the cool boat". :mrgreen:

I think one of those big ones would take me under,I'll stay on the bank with BA and watch.Do you ever step on those things,thought they had like a barb or something on their back.
Both the dorsal and pectoral fins are like spikes. The big ones are blunted so you don't have anything to fear there.

These fish live in holes under submerged objects so there is no danger of stepping on one of them.
Brave, crazy, insane, slightly imbalanced... we've been called a little bit of everything.

I had a guy tell me last year that we all clanked when we walked. :lol:
I would have to be too drunk to stand, before I would do that. Those are some nice cats though, they make a nice fish fry I bet =D>
slim357 said:
Nice cats. Ever reach in a hole and find something other than a catfish?

We found a small slider on the edge of a hole about 3 weeks ago. First turtle that we have ever encountered. He gave my buddy a quick nip on the finger. :mrgreen:

Derek, my buddy's War Eagle is a nice boat but even he will tell you that it's not anywhere near my Triton. He drove mine last weekend and I nearly had to pry him out of the seat. :lol: His has a much wetter ride. You stay as dry as a bone in mine unless there is a heavy cross wind and chop. His just seems like it sprays water from everywhere for some reason.
Did you get the TM problem fixed? Could you use something like these toggle anchors?,3240&term=Toggle%20Bolts&sesnextrep=495537168538967&ScreenWidth=1024 Scroll down for the stud style.

As far as you method for catching those cats, no friggin' way, you are either crazy or you do clank when you walk. :mrgreen:
I'll find out tonight.

I thought about toggle bolts but haven't found any in SS. Those require a pretty good sized hole and I'm not ready to pass the point of no return yet.
Quack, Those catfish are just freekin amazing! When you are feeling around for them are you trying to find their mouths or are they just trying to bite your hands and you just hang on? Can't wait to see the film. Thanks for sharing!
I think I would be one of those people who said that they would do it until they got into the boat and got to the spot. :shock:

Nice noodlin!
Pinball said:
Quack, Those catfish are just freekin amazing! When you are feeling around for them are you trying to find their mouths or are they just trying to bite your hands and you just hang on? Can't wait to see the film. Thanks for sharing!

When they are nesting, 99% of them will let you know they are in there as soon as you stick your arm in the hole. That biggest one swallowed my arm halfway up to my elbow and shook like a dog. You try to grab them by the jaw before they let go.

We've had them swallow our feet up to the ankles while feeling along for holes.

After they get finished nesting, most of them will just sort of lay there. Then you have to feel around and try to get their mouth open to grab a hold.
One of the television shows that we filmed over the summer is now online:

The fish get larger as the day progresses. :wink:

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