I installed a permanent Moeller fuel tank in my aluminum boat. After thinking that I had all the wiring done I looked a little closer at the wiring instructions and they stated that I should run a wire from the sender to earth common. I do have one wire running from the sender to the fuel gauge, and another going to the negative battery post. There is no path from the battery ground to the hull of the boat, in fact I installed a cigarette lighter / map light in the dash, taking it great pains insuring that it did not ground through to the hull. I thought that there wasn't supposed to be any current of any kind going through the hull. I'm sure that by connecting the top of the fuel sender plate would cause the hull to be in the electrical loop so to speak. I hope that I'm making sense. My guestion is, does running the fuel sender to the negative battery post accomplish the same as purpose as running another wire to the hull. Sorry to being so long winded, about this, and I hope someone out there can clear this up for me one way or another. Thank you