11" hotshot prop will probably get you 1 to 1.5 mph at most. RPM will not change a lot. Holeshot doesn't change-if anything, it's a little better than the 11 1/4" white prop. The turbo Hotshot is really efficient but in your case I don't think it's worth the money. If you want one, and decide to order it, if you get it directly from a Yamaha dealer shipping is free. (yamaha picks up the shipping costs only if shipped directly to a dealer). Plus you get dealer support, if that makes any difference to you.
I suggest Yamalube 2M if you go to 100:1. From what I was taught, the quicksilver stuff is just oil, about the cheapest that can be had. There is a difference if you put some QS oil in your hand, then put some 2M in your hand. The 2M is a little thicker and kind of stays together better when you pour it. Hard to explain but it's good stuff. I don't like either one....or any 2 stroke oil for that matter. Smoke. To each their own. I'm not a fan of firing up a cold outboard and drowning in my own outboard smoke. I will say this: Whether it be 2M or QS or 2W (2w is some neat stuff, doesn't smoke quite as much), at 100:1 fuel mix the engine will idle better and the biggest difference comes at about 1/4 throttle when accelerating. Right around 25% throttle, the engine has a miss-it's not a misfire so much as it's a characteristic of the 2 stroke engine and the timing advance. With 100:1, it's considerably smoother in that area. Then when you're done using the motor and it's sitting on the trailer, you won't get any of that black crap dripping out of the prop (unburned oil). Which also means you won't be putting as much into the water.
I understand the thought of running 50:1, and if it runs fine and you're used to it, by all means use it. But I always try to explain to people that it was designed from the get-go to run at 100:1 and you don't know what you're missing out on if you don't try it. Them old autolube engines ran about 250:1 oil mix at idle speed. There wasn't anything set in stone about that mix ratio but it ain't much oil. Commercial rating was 50:1 mainly because of the thought of a commercial angler idling for very long periods of time....8-10-12 hours a day. At 250:1, eventually the engine would show signs of breakdown over a period of years using them at idle for hours and hours on end, day after day.
The carbs are pre-set at the factory, idle screws are "capped" (no adjustment) and designed around 100:1. What I sometimes find when messing with them is that the owner might decide to keep it at 50:1 (which is twice as much oil than it was designed for), and I'll find myself having to richen up the idle mixture a little bit-and putting a little more idle timing in it (5° instead of 7°). This helps them idle better. As I said before, when you run 50:1, the jets only can pass so much liquid through them at a certain pressure. The pressure doesn't change. (atmospheric). If you have twice as much oil, you're reducing the amount of gas that can go through the same orifices, replacing it with oil. So effectively, even though the engine gets plenty of oil, it's running lean-which is why I find myself richening up the idle mixture a little on the ones that complain about idle quality and "oil leaks".