Grandpas 14ft v conversion

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Active member
Apr 3, 2012
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Stevens Point WI
Hey guys like most first timers I have been looking at this site for a long time getting tons of ideas for my project. The boat was my grandpas 14 ft v, I'm not sure of the make or model. This was my grandpas spare boat he picked up from a friend several years back, but we never used it and all he did to it was put a horrible green paint job on it. Well my grandpa passed away 2 years ago and I decided I was finally going to turn this boat into something grandpa would be proud to catch some musky out of. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures before I took out the 3 bench seats. My plan is a simple one, remove the seats, new paint job, put in a carpeted floor, add 2 pedestal seats, and possibly add a rod locker or a front casting deck. So far the seats are out, I have cut and carpeted the first piece of floor and patched a few holes. Luckily the transom is solid and overall the boat is in good shape. Here are a few pictures so far...


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I have more pictures to upload but for some reason I'm not able to right know but I will try again later tonight. Any ideas suggestions or comments are much appreciated. Thanks guys
Here are a few pictures of the Lund and mud buddy. It is primarily my duck rig but it pulls double duty as a carp shooting/fishing boat in the spring and summer. The carp deck is obviously on right now, and I can take it off by undoing the 2 ratchet straps that hold it on and lift it out easily with another guy. I run 10 LED lights off 2 deep cycle batteries which allows me to shoot without worrying about a generator, aka no noise!


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Thanks I appreciate it, she's my pride and joy.
Finished up the floor today and it turned out decent. For the middle section of the floor I had a piece of wood that was about 1/2 inch too narrow, but I decided to use it anyway instead of buying a new sheet of plywood. Other then that I think it looks alright. I'm sure at some point I'll fix it but for now I want to get out on the water. I still have to put seats in and some rod storage but here is what I have for now.


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