I'm having a very sad day...


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2008
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Hiram, GA
As many of you know I'm a 'dog' person and have a house full of greyhounds. For a week my oldest (12 years old) has been limping on her left front leg. She's had a corn on her foot that the vet has removed a couple times before so I figured that was what was causing the limp but it started getting worse.

Being a good doggy-daddy I took her by the vet Monday afternoon for him to have a look. He checked out her paw, then moved up her leg and got a yelp as he got towards the top of her leg. He took her in the back for an x-ray and came back for the bad news. Her leg is eaten up with cancer and he said her leg could just snap at any moment. The only option is amputation and at 12 I just can't put her through that. He also said it is a painful cancer.

Instead of waiting for it to break, I'd prefer her go off to the bridge while still happy instead of in pain. So today my wife and I worked from home, cooked her beacon for breakfast (one of her favorites) and she has a rotisserie chicken waiting for her dinner (another favorite). We're spending the day pampering her and will take her to the local pet ER this evening to free her from her pain.

I know it's the right thing to do, but man is my heart hurting.
Be strong Poolie: you are absolutely doing the right thing. I know it totally sucks, but good on you for not being selfish and prolonging her suffering for your own emotional needs.
Prayers are with you and your wife for strength and later comfort. You both know you are doing the right thing. It still SUCKS! I don't look forward to the day I may have to do that to my Golden. They really do become a full member of the family. By the way....I LOVE the pampering part. That in itself is AWESOME and she will love you more when she gets to "doggie heaven" and understands.
that is awful. as stated before, it does suck, but you are doing the right thing. im so sorry, stay strong.
One of the worst days of my life at age 21 having to take my 14yr old lab to the vet to be put down.

I feel your pain Poolie!!!!

Still no question on what is right, and you're doing what is right for your dog. Based on what I know about you, I know your dog was lucky to have gotten you and your wife as parents!

Prayers sent for you all!
Poolie, YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING my friend, you dont want any suffering.
I know how you feel, went through a similar situation with a very loving faithful dog not too long ago. It was the only dog the kids knew at the time, seen both boys grow up, he went to the ball park for little league, camping, fishing, and everywhere the kids went outside. One of the hardest things I ever did was put him down. I still think of him often, especially when outside.

I say that with 4 dogs sitting at my feet all sound asleep. They can be replaced, but never equalled.
So sad to here.Dogs(pets) really do become a very big part of the family.You did the right thing as hard as it was.
I had to put my boxer down about 3yrs ago and it was very hard but i knew than i had to and to this day i hate it but it was the right, no the best thing i could do for him.
We now have 2 more BUT they aren't moonshine.

Very sorry to hear about your friend.I know exactly how you feel .
I had to put down our family dog a few years ago,and I fear with one ,now going on 13,I may have to again.
My dogs have always been like my kids,hell,sometimes closer than my kids.Its hard to let them go.
Just remember the good times and know she's way better off.
Take care..
Hanr3 said:
They can be replaced, but never equalled.
x2 - Sorry for you pain. I sure wish they could talk to us - It would make saying goodby easier.
Just remember there is all the bacon and chicken she can eat in the big dog park in the sky. Prayers sent for the easing of your pain.
Thanks guys... I really appreciate it.

Our little girl is off to the bridge and even though I'm heart broken there's peace in knowing she's pain free. The vet did an exceptional job in making her comfortable. Like most dogs, she was not a fan of the vet's office so the vet actually came out to the parking lot and performed the deal in the back of the SUV where she LOVED to be.

Now if I can just get some Fall fishing in...
I feel for your loss and without a doubt you made the right decision. I had a similar situation with my lab Pickles a few years back. It was either remove 1/2 of her jaw to remove a bleeding tumor (which I couldn't justify because of her age) or put her down. In the end I put her down, but that decision is one I never regretted making.
So sorry to hear that..You are doing the right thing. Had to do the same thing a couple of years back, and it was the toughest thing I have done in a long time.