I am looking to get some kind of rudder for my 14' AlumaCraft Flat Bottom, but I'm not sure whether it would be easier to make my own or just buy one. Any suggestions?
The back end of the boat is swaying from side to side and won't stay straight when I am trolling motoring on a lake and it's even worse when the wind is blowing.
Get you 2 kayak rudders off amazon or ebay. mount one on the port side and one on the starboard side. If they hit something they will retract. https://www.ebay.com/i/262864373979?chn=ps
Same problem here. Have trolled out of a lot of flat bottom aluminum boats. Trolling is much improved in windy conditions when motor is moved to front. Lots easier to pull in wind, rather than push. Most transmon mount motors heads can be reversed.