what advice do you have when I can only fish on the banks

, I do not have a boat, saving up for one as I speak trying to buy my dad's but won't be until July if I can. I usually fish near the dam opening where the water will run out if the gates are open. The banks are all rocks where we fish and I figured or I hope that small mouth or even big mouth might be hiding in the rocks. I've lost a couple of sliders due to being snagged on the rocks. Any advice where I should try if I can only fish on shore? Don't like going through tall grass as last time I ended up with 4 ticks lol! I figured that bass would like to hide within the rocks since it's their only cover from predators. There really isn't any branches sticking out of the water nor do I know of any structures throughout the lake besides the 4 piers they have for people to fish off and most of the time if you do not get there early they are packed.
But there is one spot I always drive by and look at, it has multiple tree's close by the bank in the water. Maybe it's holding a couple of bass I am looking for. Think I should start there?