Just bought me some Charlie Brewer's Sliders need some help


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May 23, 2008
Reaction score
Knob Noster, MO
Went to Bass Pro today and grabbed me some Charlie Brewer's Sliders and was wondering if I rigged them correctly. Pic below. Thanks. The colors I bought were Tennessee Shad, Pumpkin, Watermelon Seed, which one do you think I will have best luck with?

Hi Derty,

Here is an older thread, scroll down to Redbugs and Shamoos response (or actually read the whole thread LOL).


They way you have it set up looks good to me.
Thanks! Yea I ran across this forum and loved all the info it had so I joined! I read that post also and that's what made me go out and buy me some sliders lol. I am not using slider heads but using a bullet weight. I will go out today hopefully if the rain stops and give it a shot. I am hoping I can actually catch something as I been getting skunked lately, well I caught a Carp....... :lol: Well thanks for the help!
I have caught many fish on small finesse worms using a bullet weight set up I think you will have better luck with the pumpkin seed color over the Tenn. shad you can't go wrong with a green pumpkin or watermelon color either and of course REDBUG would be my first choice..
They'll catch fish rigged up like that but I like to rig them with slider heads. As far as the color goes you cant go wrong with pumpkin. Also Id recommend some chartreuse spike-it for the tail. (i love that stuff)
That looks good to me, since the waters here in Jersey are pretty shallow I use a 1/16th oz. spider slider head or a 1/0 fine wire worm hook with 1/16th or 1/32nd oz. bullet weight, I've gotten a 7lb.2oz. bass on these little beautys, remember fish them Sloooooooooowly. My pumpkin seeds already have a char tail.
Having zero luck with my Charlie Brewer's Sliders........but managed to catch 3 small mouths off my Rapala Original Floater. I only had 1 nibble off my slider this morning and nothing else throughout the day. Also lost my Rapala Original Floater :? bummed me out. Guess I need to run over to my Bass Pro and pick up some X-Rap Shad's in Silver, Olive Green, Purple Descent, and maybe Gold. Also looking into some Strike King's Red Eye Shad in Sexy Shad, and Orange Craw. Anyone ever use these type of Crankbaits? The worms are depressing me lol.
Derby - what type of water are you fishing? Lakes. streams, river???

In moving water you should fish the slider as slow as possible. Cast out and let the current drag the slider downstream - repeat.

In ponds and lakes, slow is also better. Cast out, drag the bait a foot or so and then give it one "pop" and let it sit. Count to 20 and repeat.

I see that many people fish soft plastics way way way to fast. Jerking them around can, and does work, but not consistantly
I am fishing lakes. I will take your advice for this weekend and see if I can get any luck. Usually there is a current due to the dam I fish by, so I guess I will cast it out let it go with the current for a bit reel it in slow then pause for 20 then repeat! Thanks for the advice! Maybe this weekend I can catch a nice size bass, I caught a lot of smallies 1 was only a descent size others were lil babies.
In a lake look for structure - anything might hold bass - a rock, a tree limb in the water, weed beds, even just branches overhanging the water.

Good Luck
what advice do you have when I can only fish on the banks :( , I do not have a boat, saving up for one as I speak trying to buy my dad's but won't be until July if I can. I usually fish near the dam opening where the water will run out if the gates are open. The banks are all rocks where we fish and I figured or I hope that small mouth or even big mouth might be hiding in the rocks. I've lost a couple of sliders due to being snagged on the rocks. Any advice where I should try if I can only fish on shore? Don't like going through tall grass as last time I ended up with 4 ticks lol! I figured that bass would like to hide within the rocks since it's their only cover from predators. There really isn't any branches sticking out of the water nor do I know of any structures throughout the lake besides the 4 piers they have for people to fish off and most of the time if you do not get there early they are packed.

But there is one spot I always drive by and look at, it has multiple tree's close by the bank in the water. Maybe it's holding a couple of bass I am looking for. Think I should start there?
derty01 said:
what advice do you have when I can only fish on the banks :( , I do not have a boat, saving up for one as I speak trying to buy my dad's but won't be until July if I can. I usually fish near the dam opening where the water will run out if the gates are open. The banks are all rocks where we fish and I figured or I hope that small mouth or even big mouth might be hiding in the rocks. I've lost a couple of sliders due to being snagged on the rocks. Any advice where I should try if I can only fish on shore? Don't like going through tall grass as last time I ended up with 4 ticks lol! I figured that bass would like to hide within the rocks since it's their only cover from predators. There really isn't any branches sticking out of the water nor do I know of any structures throughout the lake besides the 4 piers they have for people to fish off and most of the time if you do not get there early they are packed.

But there is one spot I always drive by and look at, it has multiple tree's close by the bank in the water. Maybe it's holding a couple of bass I am looking for. Think I should start there?

I would start there! You have nothing to lose except a little time.
My advice was for shore fishing - since you are using something weighted - use it to "feel" the bottom - any change is good - whether it be from a rocky to soft bottom, a few sticks under the water or even a change in the contour of the lake.
Sweet! Just sucks because most of the time my slider gets caught up and I end up having to break my line and lose everything. But thanks for all the advice, pretty new to fishing, I just thought I would take it up since now I live in Missouri and they're tons of lakes around me. Just need to make it down to Table Rock heard it's one of the best fishing lakes out here. I usually fish at Truman Dam since it is only about 45min drive from my house. Well I will post this weekend with some pics or video's to see if I have any luck, I am hoping those tree's will be promising. I fished it once with a jig messing around and on my last cast I was in a hurry so I reeled in really fast just to get going and I popped it once and have no idea what fish jumped up and snagged it but it ripped off my whole jig and broke off my line, but I will have to say I was using only 6lb test and scared the living crap out of my wife and I. It was a pretty big fish from what we saw but could not determine what it was since I really just started fishing. I am hoping within those tree's are some lovely bass, just sucks because when I fish with my friend he always gets mad when I try to fish by tree's says he hates getting stuck and his wife always says I am crazy thinking fish live by tree's. I always tell them where else do they have to hide. So now I have to convince them to at least try the spot for a couple of hours, his wife always wants to leave within 2 hours and I get real frustrated because my wife knows I like to fish up to 8 hours when I go out, I just find it pointless to keep moving every hour or so.

I actually went fishing yesterday by myself for 8 hours and ended up with 3 smallies, 3 catfish, 1 brim, 2 fish I have no idea what they were and I stayed on the same bank but just moved up and down it but no further than 20yards from where I started. They think I am crazy but this is how I was taught growing up in MS.
If you are getting snagged up that is GOOD! It can be a PITA but you will catch more fish in the sticky stuff then in open water. If the snags are really bad - try going with less weight or weightless Texas rigged worms.

Also, learn how to buggy whip your line - frees you from most snags. Hold your rod up high, with the tip pointing at 12 noon. The, hold the line tight but not super tight, the rod shoudl have little or no bend. Grab the line with your other hand between the last guide and the reel. Pull the line so the rod bends sharply and release so the rod tip snap back. Repeat trying different angles and move to you left or right - you will get most stuff free unless you managed to stick the hook into wood.
Instead of fishing from those piers cast under them, hit the corners of that dam my friend, when your letting the slider set try shaking the rod tip up and down, try moving the worm just by lifting your rod than reel up the slack and do it over again, remember when your bank fishing your waiting for the fish to come to you so it may take a little longer for a hook-up, be patient and it will happen. BTW what color are you using?

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