kayak or 8ft/12ft jon boat?


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Jul 26, 2012
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hey call me crazy.. but already been told that many times,
and before i start this wont be happening in next few weeks.. proably months lol.. but when get everything worked out ect be nice todo

ok so been wanting to go on a well fishing trip, up the murray river ( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Murray_river_%28Australia%29_map-Eng.svg/730px-Murray_river_%28Australia%29_map-Eng.svg.png down south east australia for those elese where :) )

wanting to go from about echuca, to near mildura its about 800kms :LOL2:
but yeah leaning towards doing it in a small jon boat ( 8 - 12ft ) will most likley be solo, unless find someone to come with me haha.
will need food/water/fishing gear to fit in their, where the kayak is a bit :/ sketchy i guess haha

but the thing i like about the kayak is paddling, easyer then in a small jon boat ...
and well a petrol engine proably wouldnt make it all that way / be worth it in fuel :/ not sure how much fuel itll use, but 800kms.. and fuel prices around the $1.4 per liter..

but have a small trolling motor, that doesnt go fast but with a solar panel and 2 batterys should be able to charge it while using other one?
kayak can paddle alot more.. easyer then in a jon boat just the space is abit :/ for food ect, though doable?
* i agree the jon boat seams to be only one thatll work.... :/ but still haha *

pretty sure ice wont last that long, so thinking try get as much food ( without eating to much crap ) that's in cans ect/packet
plan is to stop at night camp ect, stop for a fish here and their...
worked out itll take about 28 days, yeah 800kms takes a while haha, 28 days is doing about 6 hours a day averaging 5km/h
its down stream so should be do able..

ummm anyway any thoughts on doing it? seen a few people do trips of about 500kms down the murray, but im living near echuca, and have family near mildura, just why i picked their to their haha, can stop earlyier ect if really need to

but about me? if u really wanted to know haha.
pretty much grew up on the river with pop every chance we could :)
im only 17, 18 soon haha uhhh suck a talking about myself.. but yeah
something todo lol

look at me.. long wall of text short. sorry about that
whats your thoughts on a 800km trip down the murray river? do able?
thoughts on what it would be better todo it in kayak or jonboat?
kayak lighter easyer to move.. doable ( main thing i can think of is food storage.. )
small jon boat more room easyer to fish ect ... also doable
I would think a big canoe would be ideal. Easy to paddle and can hold way more than a kayak, at least the kayaks I have seen. Everything would need to be in waterproof bags and tied down. Forget about the electric motor / solar panel thing, you would not get sufficient charge current to keep the batterys charged and batterys are heavy. I did not read anything about all the camping and cooking gear you would need, don't forget that. You are talking about 500 miles for us yanks and 18 miles avg per day. Should be doable in a canoe. Portages would be a hassle with all that gear and weight by yourself. Hopefully not a river with rapids or dams. Being able to stop in towns and replenish supplies would be a big advantage. A punt is a flat bottom square bowed jon boat, right?

earl60446 said:
I would think a big canoe would be ideal. Easy to paddle and can hold way more than a kayak, at least the kayaks I have seen. Everything would need to be in waterproof bags and tied down. Forget about the electric motor / solar panel thing, you would not get sufficient charge current to keep the batterys charged and batterys are heavy. I did not read anything about all the camping and cooking gear you would need, don't forget that. You are talking about 500 miles for us yanks and 18 miles avg per day. Should be doable in a canoe. Portages would be a hassle with all that gear and weight by yourself. Hopefully not a river with rapids or dams. Being able to stop in towns and replenish supplies would be a big advantage. A punt is a flat bottom square bowed jon boat, right?


yeah sorry a "punt" is same as a jon boat,
and yeah thinking about it before do the big trip, might be able to do half of it ( know the rivers more that half )
and will have the time for a fortnight trip, month or so might be pushing it atm haha for another 6 months ish

yeah cooking gear is pretty simple, all i really carry camping with me is my good pan, 1 or 2 pots and a hotplate, as well as cutlery ect but fits into a fairly small package ( thinking box under the eski ( cooler ) or somewhere their isnt that big :) )

with a canoe,
would allow for more room, but if it flips then well high chance of loosing it all haha
just why i like a kayak, it would semi float, instead of filling up with water and sinking

either way ( well all 3, kayak canoe or boat ) i have some wheels that i can modify to fit onto a boat, or i have 1 of those kayak/canoe wheel things, which helps alot, when not in use turn them around ( their only small ) and they stick up out of the water

in this pic itll show where the bigger towns are ( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Murray_river_%28Australia%29_map-Eng.svg/730px-Murray_river_%28Australia%29_map-Eng.svg.png )
but the shorter trip was thinking start at Swan hill and go down to mildura its about half way
between their and mildura theirs proably 3 or 4 small towns i could stop at to get supplies if needed

and no their isnt many/any rapids down this end of the murray, just sand banks logs and reeds :)
It wouldnt be fun paddling a jon boat that far! Have you thought about if you do a canoe putting outriggers on it? Are you gonna be by yourself?
Are there crocs along this route? I don't know my Australian geography too well, ok at all, but I'd sure be concerned if they are, although it seems you feel comfortable with the river.
Sounds like a yak or canoe are your best bet (the outriggers idea is a great one.) Maybe search a forum for yakers and canoers for best advice there. Good luck, mate! :)
Loweman said:
Are there crocs along this route? I don't know my Australian geography too well, ok at all, but I'd sure be concerned if they are, although it seems you feel comfortable with the river.
Sounds like a yak or canoe are your best bet (the outriggers idea is a great one.) Maybe search a forum for yakers and canoers for best advice there. Good luck, mate! :)

nar crocs are up north, to cold down these waters :)

theyyounggun said:
It wouldnt be fun paddling a jon boat that far! Have you thought about if you do a canoe putting outriggers on it? Are you gonna be by yourself?

yeah wasnt sure about outriggers but would help :) will look into them
and yeah most likley by myself ( maybe my dog if he will fit :( )
sounds like an awesome plan!

i would second the recommendation to go with a canoe for this voyage. a lot of the USA and most of Canada were explored via canoe. they are a very good long distance craft. a 15' canoe is very easy for one person to handle and has a capacity of about 600#. a 12' jon boat only has a capacity of somewhere around 350#, i can't imagine what the capacity for an 8' would be. lash everything down well and you won't have to worry too much about losing things if you end up capsizing.

take lots of pictures!
acabtp said:
sounds like an awesome plan!

i would second the recommendation to go with a canoe for this voyage. a lot of the USA and most of Canada were explored via canoe. they are a very good long distance craft. a 15' canoe is very easy for one person to handle and has a capacity of about 600#. a 12' jon boat only has a capacity of somewhere around 350#, i can't imagine what the capacity for an 8' would be. lash everything down well and you won't have to worry too much about losing things if you end up capsizing.

take lots of pictures!

pictures, mmm if can find someway to charge/have a camera run off battery's that i can take yeah pictures :D
also if not to bussy doing other things,

will have to look around for a decent kayak but exept for that got all the other gear.
and yeah haha be strapped down pretty well ( hopfully :) )

but yeah when find a decent kayak ( maybe end of augest :( ) hopfully sooner, but theirs things that have to be done before can go play haha
just a thought:

Your trip would be much safer if you could find someone to travel with you...in a CANOE.... They don't tip without reason, and gear doesn't get lost if it is stowed and packaged as suggested.

I appreciate the adventure...but a lot of stuff can happen...even just twisted ankles or fevers...which can disable even an 18 year-old healthy man. By yourself, the simple stuff can turn things very seriously wrong in a short time.

Be safe, Have fun.

You could make outriggers with 4" PVC pipe and cap each end off. And them attach them with something. It would be huge if you could have somebody else incase you did get sick or roll and ankle badly. You would want everything in waterproof bags and tied down. You would probably want to take some tylenol and ibuprofen. And some of the instant cold packs so if you roll your ankle or wrist or something like that. A canoe is the best option IMO. They can hold a ton of weight and they can easily be controlled by one person.(even though it would be better to have to.)

Good Luck!
My kayaking experience goes back to '96, before it was a fad, and I canoed for decades before. Either a small canoe or a big kayak would work. A good touring kayak, something 14' or more will be fast in the water, and carry a good amount of gear. A canoe the same size will offer a bit more carrying capacity but will lack the maneuverability of the kayak. In my opinion a kayak is a more comfortable ride.

As far as a Jon boat, if you are not willing to spend the money on fuel for a small outboard, it would be a lot more work. Another factor is rough patches of water on the river. If there are any a Jon would not be ideal.
Just an idea. If you do a canoe I would mount a boat seat on it. That would save your back and butt
yeah i totally agree with having a second person would help alot, have 2 or 3 people that may want to come and when see the next will ask and see what they think haha..

mm the pvc outriggers would be a good idea, but my 1st thought was wouldnt it make a Heap of drag? pretty much like carrying a small net out the side?

the boat seat, in a canoe i would look into it and yeah either way illd wanna get some nice seat to sit in haha..
pop has a old office chair in his boat, and its wonderful to sit in fishing ect

if i went with a second person, most likley take 2 kayak/canoes depends what we have available ect.

again with the jon boat, would be more towards a electric trolling motor with some way of gaining power ( most likley solar panels, )
and a few batterys but yeah would cost alot more ect, so kayak/canoe would be a better idea

but yeah i also agree with canoes not tipping without a reason, same with kayaks, but can normally find more kayaks around then canoes ( not sure why.. ) though their all around and will have to look around and see whats for sale ect, unless just use my kayak lol
mmm trying to work out which would be better to get, a canoe 2nd hand is like $600, so kinder cheap.. i have a "sit on top" type kayak, and a enclosed one sitting at home,

thoughts on which would be best?

thing i keep thinking about with the canoes is their length,

is like 4.3m long, my kayak's are shorter lol but yeah lots of room in their..
but then wont be taking that much ( most of room be food )

one i was thinking about taking looks something like this one..

was thinking take a smallish eski ( say 15 - 20L ) with little bit of ice if needed ( and storage while not full )
behind that have a small plastic box ( for things like hotplate/pot's ect ) with swag or small tent ontop of it,
i normally only have a fairly small tackel box ( bit its quite packed + a small box for lures/spinners ect ) which fits between my legs without discomfort
rods i normally strap to side ( or in rod holders standing up just behind my seat )
theirs a few other things which fit either behind my seat or infront of my feet ( nets ect .. mainly fishing stuff )
i have a general idea of what foods proably take, eg canned food ( tuna/other canned goods ) noodles/crackers ect if take eski can take some small things like cheese
not going to rely on it, but hopfully can catch some fish along the way and eat it as well as other meaty things ( might take some meat in eski lol )
also have half a golf cart that can strap onto bottom of the kayak ( proably canoe if got a longer rope ) if need to take it for a walk..
when not in use its pretty easy to sit on the back ect

so in theory it should fit in/around the kayak, plus a outrigger (( maybe still thinking about it ))

but yeah i agree if i brought one most likley get a canoe, but think its worth buying a canoe if already have a kayak that i can use :/ ?
i could make a wooden canoe, would be alot less then $600 :)
think its worth buying a canoe if already have a kayak that i can use :/ ?

Yes. Without qualification, YES.

Sell it later, make it a planter when you get home, bury one end and make some sort of monument to the "rugged individual," .... whatever.

It will be better, safer, equally as challenging a trip, and you'll have experiences that will live with you throughout your life-time.

And...please...with total respect for the wisdom and experience of folks here, contact real humans you can shake hands with in your area, and talk about the concept, the craft, and ask about any experieces with them.

If they are not handy, write a note to canoe clubs, sporting organizations, Government waterways departments, and even sporting magazines in your country. Enclose a copy of your idea, and put a cover note inside, asking for insights, experiences, or advice. Mail the letter off, and seek out a LOT of local input.

If nothing else, you will accumulate a lot of information, which you may organize for some other young man who has your ambitions.

Be safe, have fun.

yeah i am with you on the getting info part, theirs a few books ect showing the rivers ( maps, currents ect )
will try get my hands on one of those, as well as yeah as around for peoples advice ect,

if/when i do go on this trip it will be in the warmer months most likley, maybe plan to get to the end around xmas or easter time..
but will work that out when get other things sorted,

looks like gonna save up for a canoe :LOL2:
get a 8 - 10 ft jon boat and trailer for like $200 though haha .. tobad their so wide

thank you all :) proably still as a few questions ( maybe not this thread but around the forum )