Long Run Park - Louisville, KY


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
Reaction score
Louisville, Kentucky USA

I drove 35 minutes one way trying to fish this lake, never been there before but as the website says they have a boat ramp. I get there and see the boat ramp isn't really steep at all. Its a pain to turn a trailer in the parking lot I should have figured it out then that the ramp isn't really for boats. I back the trailer in the water, all the way to the back of my car tires which never happens at any other ramps and the boat is still above the water one foot. I decide to explore the water taking off my shoes I walk out around 25 feet out and its just knee deep! Two guys fishing near the dock comment they thought it was at least 5 - 7 foot deep out where I was. I packed up and drove back to my home lake it was near 8 PM at this point didn't do much good there.

I think I need a bass hound or crawdad or small 10 foot jon boat, fourth lake I've found near my place that doesn't have a real boat ramp.
PBW that is why they call it 'Long Run" park - you make a long ruin to get there

and still cannot fish

Oh, well, at least you tried and can take that off the list of places to try with the boat
Sorry to hear about the trip, and as stated above, you can take that body of water off the list. It's getting to the point at Lake Pee Wee here that all 4 tires of my truck are already getting wet on the shallow ramp, and I probably won't be able to launch there soon.
:twisted: Actually water levels are not as critical as you think. As long as there is good oxygen levels, good amount of forage, some type of cover or structure you should be good to go for bass fishing. The place could be a real sleeper for bass fishing. Its even better the ramp is crappy because it will deter many others from putting in a boat.
Sorry about your luck.... sucks to drive that far. Your home lake is a great bass lake though. Have had good success everytime we have been especially good at night in the summer. Wish you could fish past 11pm there, but I take what I can get. There are some pretty good small lakes in S. Indiana if you want to drive a bit further.
alumacraftjoe said:
Sorry about your luck.... sucks to drive that far. Your home lake is a great bass lake though. Have had good success everytime we have been especially good at night in the summer. Wish you could fish past 11pm there, but I take what I can get. There are some pretty good small lakes in S. Indiana if you want to drive a bit further.

I think I'm going to get an Indiana license and try it over there, maybe you could give me the nickel tour.
pbw said:
alumacraftjoe said:
Sorry about your luck.... sucks to drive that far. Your home lake is a great bass lake though. Have had good success everytime we have been especially good at night in the summer. Wish you could fish past 11pm there, but I take what I can get. There are some pretty good small lakes in S. Indiana if you want to drive a bit further.

I think I'm going to get an Indiana license and try it over there, maybe you could give me the nickel tour.

Anytime... and if you ever want company on McNeely let me know..... at least an out of state IN license is only 35 while the Ky I have to get every year is 50.
My Uncle used to spend a lot of time over at Patoka by French Lick in Indiana. Seemed to do good on crappie and bream over there. What about Guist Creek Lake or Jericho? I know when I was growing up and my Dad and my Uncle were taking me we always ended up getting up very early on Saturday and drive down to Rough River, Green River, Barren, Nolin or one of those. It sounds like you are looking to go someplace close after work though, right? In that case, none of what I'm suggesting may work.
Or, how about Taylorsville Lake?