Marine tex for crack in nose

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May 2, 2013
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Hey all I have been working on my 17 ft sylvan and I came across a hairline crack I the nose of the boat. I drilled my holes on the ends and sealed it up real good with gflex.

Then I used marine tex and fiberglass tape to give it some extra strength and protection. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1404123997.687909.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1404124006.037725.jpg

Do you guys think I should just do another layer with marine tex? Or should I glass over this?
I would think that it is plenty strong the way it is. More layers will may make it less flexible and more likely to come off. Just my opinion.
i'd grind that off and get it welded. that's a high wear area and it won't last very well when you beach the boat or crank it over the trailer rollers. think about the marinetex slogan "handles like putty hardens like steel sands like wood". don't get me wrong, i love marinetex, just not on a wear area like that.
If the boat's material (aluminum) is thin, and the boat is expected to flex some, marine tex is not what you want. I've worked with it a lot over the years with fiberglass and SMC hulls, and it works well for that stuff-but for the most part, mtex is NOT flexible enough for a tin boat.