Metal Rodholders
Member is looking to expand our network through the use of Promotional Staff. Our target market for new pro-staff is Catfish and Crappie tournaments regional or local.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our pro-staff please shoot me a PM with some details about tournaments that you are set to fish in yet this year and a brief history of how you have done in the past.
We have had a great run so far and look forward to another great year. We will have plenty of promo items and products for the right pro staff members.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our pro-staff please shoot me a PM with some details about tournaments that you are set to fish in yet this year and a brief history of how you have done in the past.
We have had a great run so far and look forward to another great year. We will have plenty of promo items and products for the right pro staff members.