My 11'11" 2007 crest liner project

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Mar 27, 2015
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So this boat was bought brand new by my father back in 07 I was 18 and used it for about 2 years for crabbing and fishing the upper chesapeake bay here in maryland. In 2010 my father had it stored at a marina that also held his 4 other boats (boat hoarder) :D anyway half way through winter someone took notice of the 2007 Honda 5 horse 4 stroke mounted in the back and stole it so for the past 5 years it has been in numerous people's back yards and stored just about everywhere we could think of it had a trailer and we didn't want to separate them so we kinda moved it from buddy to buddies house for the last 5 years. Now to my point my father would never let me mod the boat due to the fact that it was new and he didn't want me drilling holes in a boat that floats fine. My father moved to Indiana a few months ago and left the boat with me. And after some good ole craigslist swapping I came out of a deal with a nice little evinrude 4 hp so I called the old man and asked him where the title was so I can register the boat. Thankfully he left it with some stuff he stored at my apartment so I pulled it out and drove to dnr to get it registered. My father and I both have the same name except he is a sr and I'm a jr but the title didn't have the suffixes so I thought I could just waltz in register the boat and dnr wouldn't be the wiser.... Wrong. They went by dl number so they wouldn't let me register the boat... Being highly disappointed I called my father and told him that I spent all this time getting a motor and how I couldn't get it registered because of our dl numbers being different... He then said the best thing I had heard all day he said " just send me the title and I'll sign the boat and trailer over to ya" .... WHAAAAT my dad was giving me one of his babies... If you guys knew my dad this is an extremely rare occasion my father always made me do hard labor if I wanted anything from him and things weren't just given to me so as you can imagine I was extremely excited so I sent off the titles and about a week later got them back with those signatures. The next day went and got the boat and trailer legal and then a thought hit me, " this is now my boat and I can do what I want" so since I work at a lumber yard 3/16 plywood and 2x4s were in abundance so I talked to the boss and got some scraps the next weekend I started my project first on the list was the front it was wasted space because there was no way I'd ever put 3 ppl on this boat so the third seat had no purpose. I ended up building a small platform / storage area on the front of the boat. Took a trip to the Home Depot and bought a few gate hinges locks and some cheap carpet and got to work once I was done with the front I realized I had quite a bit of materials left over so I also built a small console to house my battery trickler and to have somewhere to mount my fish finder I'm almost done with it now I think another clamp swivel seat on the middle bench a few lights and some pole holders and she will be ready I haven't taken it out yet but I'm sure I'll love the new mods I did to this little boat let me know what you fellas think thanks for reading this :)


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Lol sorry I get carried away sometimes and I ramble but hey everyone should read more I'm just helping the masses :lol:
So update on my boat.... Took it out last Saturday got it off the trailer my buddy jumped in and off we went.... For about 25 feet then a sputter and the motor died. Couldn't figure it out I could get it running then after about 20 seconds it would quit and it had to be choked to run. Being as I am a certified auto mechanic I'm kind of embarrassed to say that I think I forgot to open the tank valve so it was starving and would cut out I also noticed the motor wasn't peeing so we paddled back to shore and u pulled the lower end. Sure enough impeller was ancient. Later on Saturday I went to west marine and bought the impeller this weekend I plan on filling up a trash can and replacing the impeller tuning the carb and making sure that nothing else is wrong with it. I guess I got too excited to take it out on the water and didn't think to check the motor I just got used off Craigslist. All I have to say is everyone does something stupid every now and then
Hey, my first new boat motor I did the same thing. I had one of those duh moments with the tank valve thing. That and the plug in the boat, but it was a small boat in shallow water.

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