New 2017 25hp 4 stroke efi yamaha

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DaisyCutter said:
It was a busy holiday weekend at the lake, but I did get a chance to try out the Yamaha 25. We managed 27 mph on the GPS. I was hoping for more, but that was in chop, with 2 adults, and a bimini top. There was a fair amount of porpoising, so I will have to adjust the load a bit.

Overall I'm really happy.

Most move weight foward to hold the bow down but that's wrong unless it also has a very hard time getting on plane. Proposing is an engine struggling to carry the bow. You want to carry the bow so try moving weight back to keep the bow up, not down.
DaisyCutter said:
It was a busy holiday weekend at the lake, but I did get a chance to try out the Yamaha 25. We managed 27 mph on the GPS. I was hoping for more, but that was in chop, with 2 adults, and a bimini top. There was a fair amount of porpoising, so I will have to adjust the load a bit.

Overall I'm really happy.

Did you try trimming your motor a little to alleviate the porpoising?
DaisyCutter said:
It was a busy holiday weekend at the lake, but I did get a chance to try out the Yamaha 25. We managed 27 mph on the GPS. I was hoping for more, but that was in chop, with 2 adults, and a bimini top. There was a fair amount of porpoising, so I will have to adjust the load a bit.

Overall I'm really happy.

That is a lot better than I can get out of my 25 4-stroke on my 15' Klamath. My best in ideal conditions with just me in the boat is 26.3 MPH (GPS). I would be very happy with your results! Congrats and I'm glad the long wait is finally over.
Has anyone tried a stainless prop on their motor yet? Which one and what kind of numbers are you seeing (rpm)? I’m looking at trying one on my F25 w/ 1448 Alweld
I decided to take advantage of Yamaha's fall incentive.

Put an F25 short shaft, tiller, electric start (F25SWHC)
on the stern of my old Mirrocraft. Sadly power trim isn't
available on the short shaft.

The one thing I dislike thus far is the placement of the
start button (see last pic). Mine is on the front of the motor,
behind the tiller bracket, seems rather clumsy. I was expecting
a switch on the side of the tiller, as I had seen on some
youtube videos.

It's gonna kill me to not get it wet until spring.

Yeah, until then I'll just have to be happy sitting in it every once in a while,
making motor boat noises like a little kid.

Just waiting on a 10 micron filter & tachometer to finish the install.
Dealer wasn't sure which wire harness is required for the tiller / tach combination.
Getting the analog 6y7 tach. That command link stuff is cool, but crazy expensive.
kdgrills said:
Yeah, until then I'll just have to be happy sitting in it every once in a while,
making motor boat noises like a little kid.

Reminds me.

Used to work for a motorcycle dealer. The bikes came in big crates, partially disassembled so they fit inside the crate. Myself and a younger guy were the assembly guys, and we worked for a boss that was odd, the type that would chew you out something fierce for a small issue-in other words make mountains out of mole hills. Anyway, my coworker was doing an assembly on a sport bike, 600cc as I recall. I was just coming back in from lunch and the boss came out from behind the desk to inspect our work. He follows me back to the assembly area. We walked through the door way and my coworker was sitting on the freshly assembled bike, crouched down behind the windshield making crotch rocket noises. The boss and I looked at each other and watched him a good 2 minutes, both smiling. About that time my coworker turns around as if he was "in the lead"-still making crotch rocket noises-and sees the boss any myself. The look on his face was priceless. If that wasn't good enough, the boss asks him "did you win?" I about fell over.
This is my first post on TinBoats. Came across this thread and read all 13 pages. Good points overall. I had my heart set on a Suzuki 20hp then considered the 25hp but was hesitant on the 25 due to the weight of my boat. In the end I went for Yamaha 25 with electric+manual start due to how light it is plus the current incentives they have. Hoping to drop it in the water at some point today. Can anyone tell me easiest way to post a picture if its on my desktop? Looks like I need a url? Thanks!!
I'm really interested in these motors. They seem to be really nice.
Does anybody have any new information or data on these?
hounddog said:
I'm really interested in these motors. They seem to be really nice.
Does anybody have any new information or data on these?

Nothing new, but here's the sales brochure:

They have some incentives at the moment:

There's a thread or two over at microskiff.

I just got my Command Link 6y8 tachometer kit. Expensive but looks very nice.
I have no new information other than we've sold about 20 of them and nary a one has been back for anything. Most who've answered calls from the dealer have all said the same thing. Light and fast as a 2 stroke with the convenience and running confidence of the 4 stroke. Hard to beat.

That dad gum ETEC is still 160 lbs, though....and it's a 2 stroke; albeit an expensive one. Time to play catch-up?

I wish the Yamaha was a 3 cylinder but for what it is, it's awesome. I want one but my antique is still going and I don't see a need for a payment until this one goes belly up.
I will certainly give you a review as soon as I get mine.

I'm going to repower. My old 2000 model F25 Yamaha is for sale, and I won't buy the new one (we have plenty in stock as of today) until I sell the old one...and the old one is an awesome motor and ready to use just as it is. Short shaft, electric start with manual starter for a back-up, and it starts SO easy with the recoil. One hand, about half a pull and it's purring. Lot easier to pull than the new ones to be honest. Actually I may dig mine out tomorrow and head up to the lake. Crappie are biting and the evenings are perfect. That is, if my old motor hasn't sold by then. If it has, it'll be a few days before I can give a review because it'll take me a bit to get used to it, figure everything out, mount it, test it in different conditions, etc.

Here is what I know of it, in testing a prototype a couple years ago. It's EFI, and because of that and it's lighter weight, it accelerates faster than the older version (07-17 years). The top speed was within 1mph, with the 18 model being on the faster end, but again, there's almost a 50lb weight difference. Both were tested with the exact same prop, 9 7/8 x 11 1/4 white aluminum prop. There might be another MPH in a good stainless prop...dunno...I have a few that I'd like to try out on the new one though, but they wouldn't let us do any of that in prototype testing of course. We were barely able to get it to full throttle. The 18's use the same prop shaft as the older ones, even the old 2 stroke stuff-so that the props will all interchange. 2.08 just like the older ones were.

Now the bad. The old ('99 through '17) had a big heavy "slug" in the "back" of the crankcase, which was the engine's counterbalancer. It was to offset the weight of the two pistons and rods, and did a decent job. The 2018's don't have this slug (I call it a slug because it's about 7 lbs as I remember), BUT the engine is SMALLER displacement (432cc vs 498cc for the old ones), so right off idle, there is some vibration. It is NOT excessive due to the engine's smaller displacement. it's no more than the older one. As soon as you accelerate to about 1800 RPM, the vibration disappears completely. It's right about 1100-1500 range. I don't care for the front-mounted tilt lock lever...but it's something I'd have to get used to since my older motors (Evinrude, Tohatsu, Mercury, Suzuki, and now my current 2000 model Yamaha) are all on the Starboard side. Not a big deal. my case, I don't like the tiller setup...and again, it's personal...the "old" ones had a nice block of aluminum which was part of the swivel bracket that the tiller actually bolted to, and that block made a great place to mount a simple sheet metal bracket to mount a tinytach to. That's the only reason I mentioned it. LOVE the tiller's ease of use but I just haven't found a nice factory-appearing way to mount a tinytach to it yet. I'll work on that once I get the new one in my possession. EFI. It's great and it's not, at the same time. Great that there's no choke to fool with (and neither did the old F25's), but the that if (when) the fuel gets old in an EFI system, you can easily spend a chunk of change in cleaning that garbage out, and warranty don't cover it. A carb cleanin' is about $100 if you pay a dealer. EFI? Can be 10x that if you have to replace the injectors, high pressure pump, regulator, lines, etc. BUT...yamaha was smart...they put a DRAIN on the VST (VST is the vapor separator tank...basically a small reservoir that encases the fuel pump among other things) that you can drain the VST of the fuel before putting the engine up for more than about 30 days. I'm careful with my fuel so that's not an issue with me, but for some, it IS (or more specifically "can be" an issue).

Someone come buy my old motor so I can put the money into the new one!

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