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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
Reaction score
Port Lavaca, Texas
Hey guys my name is Zakk, I'm new to tinboats and am very impressed with the mods I've been looking through on here and am excited to add some of my own in the future. I'm having trouble uploading pics of my boat but I'll get a few on here as soon as I can.
Welcome aboard!
There is a tutorial on uploading pics on the Watering Hole forum. And there are a number of other resources which can help. I've found Photobucket particularly useful. Looking forward to your posts and pics.
Welcome to Tin Boats Zakk.When you have time, be sure to fill out your profile so
we can see where you are and what intrests you have. There is a very good chance
that there is a Tin Boater near you, we are as prolific as anemones. Jerry :)
welcome to the club. as john boat jerry said post your city you would be amazed at how small of a world it is.actually i just noticed that ifish4redd lives across the bridge from me. we are all over.
Welcome aboard Zakk, there is so much useful information here that I burnt much midnight oil running through it when I first came here. Not to mention all the helpful information I got from the guys after I bought my fist tin back in Feb.

Great bunch here and Bulldog was right the site is addictive.
Welcome to a wealth of knowledge!
Also curious about the plate, never saw one like that before.
Nice boat.
does it allow the motor to be raised up higher with out blowing out or something?
Yes. With no tunnel I can raise the motor to where only the skeg is below the boat and run. Even get up too. Works like a champ