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Jun 5, 2013
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Hey guys through some searching on the web on what kind of boat I have. I found this website with ALOT of great info on projects I plan to tackle in the near future. My whole quest started when I bought a 14 foot aluminum boat from a family friend for 100 bucks plus he threw in a Minnkota 35 TM for free. I was told it was a Pipestone boat. After doing some research I found out its anything but a Pipestone. I belive Pipestone made only fiberglass boats. Seeing a few posts on here I think its a Richline but I may be wrong used to have three benches but the previous owner removed the middle one to make more leg room.

any info would be greatly appreciated
Welcome!!!! =D>

Awesome looking boat .... perfect for a project.

I imagine you've already looked, but there is usually a manufactures tag somewhere on the hull. But with older boats, all bets are off.

It loos like it could be a Starcraft, but I'm no expert.
Yup i have been chomping at the bit to get started on this project i looked all over the boat no manufacture plate or HIN
I'm about 99% sure you have a Richline. If you look up my threads under my profile someone was nice enough to post some old sales ads for Richline in there and yours looks a lot like mine, I just have a different transom. The hull design and rivet lines and seat supports are identical though.

It's a good looking boat. You can look forward to dozens of hours of wire brushing it to get it to bare metal like I did and then turning it into a beautiful boat! : )

That's cool they already removed the center bench for you. I want to do that to mine to turn it into a bass boat with a little more walking/standing space but for now it's still stock.
Yup i used a drill tool with wires on it for the loose paint and for the really hard stuff i am using a stripping gel that takes some time to set but the little test spot i did it seems to work phenomenal alot less effort to get the paint off will post pics of the build in the projects forum