ok better best for connections/connectors


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Sep 18, 2013
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ok guys zzzybil is pronounced sybil........... lol.......its a girl name .......spelled crazy cuz i dont have to try and remember diff for diff sites

so when i ask ridiculous questions ........yuh have to take into consideration i'm a woman - 1st boat etc

i really appreciate yall - following your directions and experience...... bought the marine tinned wire and want the best most reliable durable TROUBLE FREE ..........lol.... at least avoid noob mistakes.....

best connectors for batteries etc ?? i've youtube'd stuff .......some beyond my scope.......( tried my hand at sautering the connector for bilge pump - got 1 wire and butt connected and liq electric gooped other- before i burned crap out myself )

i bought some look like brass connectors - i think they work like that sharkbite ? idk bite into and make connection......and i bought some copper rings - idk pinch on ...... i can bring back whatever i dont use.....

anyway this marine wire will only be as good as the CONNECTIONS right ? soooooooooo i need some do and don'ts....

which connector is best.....which worse ? and instructions......PEARLS OF WISDOM ETC !

if theres something better than the brass or copper ? lemme know........and WHICH of the 2 would yall think better ?

prolly over thinkin it but its going to be a PIA to pull out redo......not to mention disappointing if i'm out on water and have issues......

i'm pretty handy but a ''3rd times a charm'' kinda girl - i'd like to get this RIGHT the 1st time.......doesnt seem complicated...but salt water enviroment ??
Congrats on the new boat.

I've had some experience with a number of different style automotive/marine connectors. The best ones are extremely expensive and require a number of specialized tools to install properly. My favorites, the Deutsch connectors, will stand up to almost any conditions. Now the issue is that they are so expensive that I haven't used them in years.

For the ordinary day-to-day stuff, I use two types:

1) For removable connections, I prefer these "trailer" style connectors https://www.amazon.com/CES-Gauge-Quick-Disconnect-Harness/dp/B0057ZQJ12/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1395325315&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=CES+10+Gauge+2+Pin+Quick+Disconnect+Harness
They come in several configurations and wire gauges. They are durable and while not waterproof, as long as you stay away from salt water, should last for years.

For permanent connections, I use a heat shrink style butt connector. https://www.amazon.com/3M-Heat-Shrink-Connector-Piece/dp/B008HMHJDO

These will keep any water from getting into the connection and have been very reliable. You will need a good heat gun or a small torch to shrink the tubing after the connection is made.

Good luck!

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