haha thanks y'all, only other mods so far are the nav/anchor lights, rod holders, & the cleats (will edit this post with pics soon).
also, again with
Alumacraft's INCOMPETENT WIRING! the anchor light, horn, and baitwell pump already quit. thankfully the dealer fixed these issues at no charge to me, dropped it off at noon, picked it up at 5, can't beat that! what stinks, is i know other systems will fail because they used interior grade electrical fittings on the entire wiring system (idiots) /rant over
the factory had these bogus plug in style pole lights both for the 360 white anchor light out back & the red/green nav lights up front. i tossed all that in the garbage, & use the starboard side pole holder mounts that held these light poles to now hold my home-made anchor pin. now i have hardwired lights, flip the switch, lights come on, no more having to deploy/stow the stupid light poles or deal with inevitable failure of the pole/socket style lights, hurray!
for the nav light, i put the
Attwood LED nav on the bow (same part i used my 1546), except when i went to pull the chrome cover to paint it tan, i realized the thing looks fine without the cover, under the cover is all black & waterproof so i just tossed the chrome cover in the garbage & called it good. :mrgreen:
for the anchor light, i went with the
MaxItOutLEDs "Extreme Nav Light", it's a little shorter than factory, but it mounts on a Ram ball mount, & it's a solid fiberglass rod with sealed LEDs, rumor has it, it's the most reliable/durable nav light on the market & while it looks "home-made" it seems robust, plus it's made in the USA & recommended by GatorTrax boats.
same plastic 6" cleats as my 1546, but i used the factory T-track to mount them without drilling holes in the boat. at first i had used carriage bolts which i cut with my angle grinder to slide in the T-rail, but those were mounted with wingnuts which stuck out & made cleating more of a chore, so i ordered these
stainless "extrusion nuts" & they work like a charm for flush mount bolting to the t-rail for cleats! (after some finessing with bolt cutters for fitment :mrgreen

, in retrospect, i think i could have ordered the square ones, & in a slightly larger diameter
grabbed these
Attwood rod holders from Walmart. the package says to mount them 30" apart, but that seems wrong, they work fine the way i have them mounted which is more like 60" apart. i mounted them high so the fly rod would fit over the decks, and so the bottom rod is not touching the floor. used some leftover turf as a pad for the reels. it will hold 6, but it fits 4 way better. i have another pair of these, and I am considering getting some golf tubes & mounting the other 2 holders at the recommended 30" on the same side as these 2 so rods actual stow in rod tubes going into the front & rear decks, but that will be a chore so probably not on the menu any time soon