may just be a matter of the pin being real tight in the hole. Wouldn't surprise me. A lot of them need a little buffing in the bronze bushing to get the pin to fit all the way down. My old bass boat was like that. Unthreaded in the rear, threaded in the front. The original (1988) rear seat pedestal was kind of short, and the pin was short such that it didn't reach the bottom of the base plate bushing. So when I put an adjustable pededstal in, the pin was longer and was hitting on all of the junk that was built up since 1988, since the original pedestal didn't go all the way to the bottom. I actually used a brake cylinder hone to fix it, however another way is to use a 3/8 wood dowel, and cut a slot lengthwise in the dowel so a piece of folded sandpaper will fit in the slot. Then chuck it up in your drill motor and buff the bottom of the bushing a little.