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Very nice Jiggy, Were gonna shoot our first fishing video here soon, I havent ever did any video yet, Im not to much on public speaking.. :mrgreen:
bassboy1 said:
Merkywaters said:
Both of these were caught on public reservoirs on the same day on two different reservoirs (I fished half the day on one then went to the next one and fished til sun down!)

If that first reservoir is the one I think it is, your in my spot. [-X :lol:

Its not acworth if thats what your thinking.
12 lbs even


11lbs 4oz


11lbs 10oz

oh you guys are killing me, I cant wait for a little warmer weather....lots of new stuff to try [-o<
Merkywaters said:
Both of these were caught on public reservoirs on the same day on two different reservoirs (I fished half the day on one then went to the next one and fished til sun down!)

I don't know the first... but I'm pretty sure I know where it is....

I'm almost positive I know the second
Awesome stories and fish guys, I wasn't to sure if this thread would be a hit or not, Im glad it was, How about some more tho, Feel free to add a short story or long to it as well, Doesn't have to be personal best, lets just make it "Personal storys".
here are a few of mine they were all caught out of our private ponds the ponds range in size from 2acres up to 43 acres they sit on 162 acres in southern Illinois about 75 miles from Ky lake :wink: my wife and i spend 2 weeks fishing out there every summer. This year i am gonna shoot some video of some of our catches. I also plan on catching a few bass with my new remote control boat


frog fishing anyone?
Another Salt water fish caught in Puerto Vallarta a few years back. 9 1/2 ft sailfish.

It's currently mounted in my garage. My wife didn't think it fit the decor :)
FishinsMyLife said:
I want a big smallmouth :lol: . Nice fish

Go to Dale Hollow and give it a try :) :) If I remember right, Bassboy1 caught a 4.5 pounder at our get together there last October. The weather was crappy and fishing was poor, imagine what you could do in the spring???
My PB Smallmouth is 24 inch guessing around 6lb. Caught on minnow. Sorry no pics tho.
I have caught MANY over 5 lb. or 20 inches on several different baits, White spinnerbait has the biggest part of them. Thats citation size. But have only mailed off for 2 certificates.

PB Muskie is 41 inches, weighed guessing close to 18 lbs, no scales. Caught on BIG minnow.

PB Cat is a Flathead 39 inches, again guessing weight around 20lbs. Caught on BIG minnow.

I'm going to dig around see if I can find some pics.
Crappie- 3 lbs 8 oz, 18 1/2" long (pictured)
LM bass- 8 lbs 1 oz
Smallie- 3 1/2 lbs
Bluegill- 12 1/2"
Striper- 17 or 18 lbs, can't remember
My buddy's striper- Dunno but bigger than mine! (pictured)


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