Please pray for my grandmother - UPDATE

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
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Manchester, MO
My grandmother is about 90, she'd never tell you, and suffered a brain anurism on Weds morning. She is not in very good shape at the moment and seems to be getting worse. She has 6 kids and about 30 grandkids. We all live around the St. Louis area and are extremely close to one another. She is the matriarch of the family and she needs your prayers. They have put her on a ventalator and a feeding tube. I saw her on Thursday and she opened her eyes and smiled at me but since then she has gotten worse with deep brain bleeding. I love her with everything I have and I am hoping for the best. Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks everyone.
Sorry to hear this John.

My prayer is that God gives you all comfort during this time. Keep us posted.
No family like the tinboats family. Thanks for all the prayers and support.
Y'all understand how important what has been said is to me? I think I speak for everyone that has asked for prayers when I say thank you.
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Alright here goes. Grandma is doing much better. She has been awake on a normal basis and they took her off of all the life support except the feeding tube but that is through her gut and not her nose any more. They did that because they want to make sure she is getting enough nutrients. She seems to be recognizing people and laughs at jokes. She is definately not all there but doing better. She is getting moved to a new part of the hospital to start her rehab. All in all the future is bright, it is not over but the future looks a heck of a lot better than it did.

This has been a tough time on my family. We are all so close but this event seems to have brought everyone a little closer. It absolutely scared the crap out of me and I spent a lot of time just thinking of the good times and talking to my family members about life with grandma in general and how awesome she is. She's about 5' nothing but the biggest person ever.

Life is a ***** some times and my dad raised me to believe that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger and I firmly believe this. Thanks again for all the prayers, really means a lot to my family and myself.
That is good news to hear. Hope your Grandma has a speedy recovery.Best wishes to your family.
and give grandma a hug from all of us. :) . Scott