I would be willing to bet you have the same support as I do, but since your boat is a foot longer it may be in a different spot. If you remove the sloped panel where the OB up/down toggle switch and TM plug are, the large cross member is right there, on mine anyways. The flooring just comes up with lots of self tapping screws, I've had mine loose but never removed the front flooring completely. Mine has a dry storage compartment that is actually directly under the forward fishing seat with the access hatch towards the console, and then the larger dry storage behind this. Mine is an 04, so it has a ~ 12" wide space that a cooler fits in perfect, tracker use to supply a 48qt cooler with 'em, and I still have mine. If your 185 has this similar cooler space right in front of the console (newer models have the raised floor all the way to the console) you could possibily mount the recess behind the furtherest forward cross member, but it may not be in a good spot. I've seen the trays, but never have seen a good reason to do it. I troll for crappie so I'm sitting down the majority of the time and the foot pedal is not in my way imo. GL