Here's another....
remember when, we didn't have metal detectors at schools?
When we didn't have police officers stationed at schools?
When every guy that had a truck parked in the student parking lot had a gun rack, with a rifle or a shotgun in the rack, sometimes with the windows left down?
When parents raised their kids, instead of the government raising them? When we would have never dreamed of administering dangerous schedule II narcotics such as ritalin to kids who got bored in class and stared out the window, daydreaming?
When kids grew up shooting real guns and therefore had an appreciation, understanding, and respect for the potential danger?
When students in ROTC marched down the halls with 22 bolt action rifles and shot targets out behind the school as part of rifle team practice?
When, despite all this lax security, we never had tragedies such as Columbine or Sandy Hook?
I can remember it, because it wasn't that long ago. Sure was a different time, for sure, and one I wish we could go back to