Remember when ...

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MrSimon said:
Jim said:
I remember getting up early during summer vacations, going out all day long and coming home after dinner at some point and my parents not even thinking twice about it.

Now I cant let my kids out in the yard if I'm not out there, and I live in a good neighborhood............ :roll:

Boy ain't that the truth. I'm only 35, but my brother and I used to romp through the woods for hours and hours ... or jump on our bikes (no safety gear) and ride miles from home. Mom and Dad sort of knew where we were, but not really. And there was no cell phone or GPS tracking chip. All we had to do was be home for dinner.

After having kids, my wife and I would sit and talk about the "good old days" and how our neighborhood wasn't conducive to our kids having that kind of childhood ..... so we sold our house and bought a smaller one on ten acres that backs up to hundreds of acres of woods.

My five year old knows how to start a campfire and my three year old knows how to step on the base of a pricker bush to get over it. And they can both tell the difference between a trout and a sucker when looking in the creek. I could be wrong, but I think those skills are equally as important as what they learn in school.

A F******MEN!!!!! im 37 and thats excatly how it was for me and my brother growing up. i grew up camping in the woods and all we took was a .22, a sleeping bag and a mag stick and we never went cold or hungry. my boys are only 10 and 5 and i can say that besides the natrual instinct a parent has for their kids to worry if they were lost or missing if i knew my boys were say lost in the woods 100 miles from nowhere i would have comfort knowing that all the stuff they have learned from ole hillbilly dad that theres a 99% chance that theyre gonna survive and be home sooner or later. my dad use to always say you can graduate high school and get a college degree but if you dont have common sense your no better off than anybody else. and i beleive thats true, common sense will get you farther in life than being book smart......
shawnfish said:
A F******MEN!!!!! im 37 and thats excatly how it was for me and my brother growing up. i grew up camping in the woods and all we took was a .22, a sleeping bag and a mag stick and we never went cold or hungry. my boys are only 10 and 5 and i can say that besides the natrual instinct a parent has for their kids to worry if they were lost or missing if i knew my boys were say lost in the woods 100 miles from nowhere i would have comfort knowing that all the stuff they have learned from ole hillbilly dad that theres a 99% chance that theyre gonna survive and be home sooner or later. my dad use to always say you can graduate high school and get a college degree but if you dont have common sense your no better off than anybody else. and i beleive thats true, common sense will get you farther in life than being book smart......

Well, we're the same age. Your dad's school of thought sounds a lot like my dad's. He taught me how to shoot a 22 rifle when I was just old enough to walk, and I've carried the survivalist mentality throughout my life, it has never failed me.
I'm not entirely sure where I fit age-wise, but I'd say I'm probably on the younger side.

I remember riding the Big Wheel and also flat spotted the front tire.

I remember that during the summers you couldn't find me inside. I lived in a small (30 homes) neighbor that had a small pond on one side and a large lake on the other. We spent most of our time at the neighborhood pool with little supervision or out in the woods until the sun when down. I remember always getting in trouble for coming home muddy from tromping around in the ravine that ran through the woods.

We built forts, puffed on half smoked cigarettes that someone collected ( at age 10), rode our bikes from from one neighborhood to another by riding across the dam to the pond.

Kick The Can was a summertime staple and we always played until someone's parents called them home.

The amazing part of all of this is that we had the freedom to do it all. Of course, we didn't know it then, but there were eyes on us almost all the time, but we still had the freedom to be kids. Now that I am getting ready to get married and hope to soon have a family, I fear the world that kids are being raised it. Kids need to be kids, that isn't happening anymore.

Oh, and when I started driving gas was $1.15, but that was 11 years ago.
I remember when you could buy a used 55 Chevy 2 door sedan for $25.00 . Now that sounds unbelievable but its true, they had about 40,000 miles on the odometer. I wish I had one of those 55's back in the garage now!
light line said:
I remember when you could buy a used 55 Chevy 2 door sedan for $25.00 . Now that sounds unbelievable but its true, they had about 40,000 miles on the odometer. I wish I had one of those 55's back in the garage now!

Ah the memories! I bought one for $100 in 1972, less engine and trans, but it had a metal flake paint job, tuck and roll interior with bucket seats, a Pontiac rear end, nice tires and mags, but alas, rent and food money was more important!
Yea, it's hard to imagine what they sold for then vs now. But I would much rather have an original condition loaded Plymouth Super Bird that came out in 1970, and sold for less than 5k. Talk about a return on investment, original versions are fetching from 1/4 million and up. Wiki says as high as 2 mil but I never heard about that sale if it happened. I do know some guy was trying to sell one for 3 mil a few years back but it didn't even have a hemi engine so I doubt he got that for it.
nomowork said:
light line said:
I remember when you could buy a used 55 Chevy 2 door sedan for $25.00 . Now that sounds unbelievable but its true, they had about 40,000 miles on the odometer. I wish I had one of those 55's back in the garage now!

Ah the memories! I bought one for $100 in 1972, less engine and trans, but it had a metal flake paint job, tuck and roll interior with bucket seats, a Pontiac rear end, nice tires and mags, but alas, rent and food money was more important!

My 57 bought in '70 for $500. 283, headers, 4 speed, black roll and tuck. Sold it when I joined the Navy.


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Theres a fairly new ownership of a Hardware store down the road that sells NECO WAFFERS and those candy cigarettes with the red tip.
Sweet ride my man!!! I had the same thing, only mine was in an accident and was given to me. My GrandFather owned a junk yard so I fixed her up and had it painted Metallic blue, dropped a 348 in it. Sold it to a kid down the street and joined the Navy, he parked it on a hill and some how it slipped out of gear, rolled down the hill and hit a tree, when I got home for leave he had gotten rid of it. You brought memories!!
BackWoodsTracker said:
Remember when a team that went 8-5 made it to the playoffs before a team that was 7-4-1?
somethins wrong with the math 8-5 = 13 games 7 4 1 =12 nfl plays 16 games so not sure what leauge lol but i do remember when the nfl only had 1 wild card team and when baseball you had to win the division to get into the playoffs
BackWoodsTracker said:
Sorry, should read 7-5-1, my mistake. I can admit to my mistakes, I wonder why the commish of our fantasy football here can't?

It wasn't a mistake it was a rule, ties are decided by bench points, simple as that.... You lost and im glad i made that rule cause it kept you out of the playoffs. Our league is for fun and bragging rights not crying weeks after the season ended cause YOU LOST, and because of your behavior after YOUR LOSS you will not be welcomed back next year
BassAddict said:
BackWoodsTracker said:
Sorry, should read 7-5-1, my mistake. I can admit to my mistakes, I wonder why the commish of our fantasy football here can't?

It wasn't a mistake it was a rule, ties are decided by bench points, simple as that.... You lost and im glad i made that rule cause it kept you out of the playoffs. Our league is for fun and bragging rights not crying weeks after the season ended cause YOU LOST, and because of your behavior after YOUR LOSS you will not be welcomed back next year

It was a bad rule, and I wouldn't play with your rules again. They are not fair. My behavior is only because you cannot accept that the rule is a bad rule. You say that the league is only about bragging rights and trash talk, but you can't seem to take the trash talk. Once again, I am not crying, just trying to make sure nobody gets screwed the same way next year. If you could have been man enough to admit you were wrong about the rule, I would have dropped it long ago.
simbelle said:
I remember when this thread was fun and nostalgic to read and not spoiled by petty, childish BS.

just renmember this like all problems on the site can be blamed on ahab ban him!!!!
oh wait i may have a depth finder to sell i just picked up the hds7 touch never mind ahab is fine

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