Really, your gonna call me out because I mispelled a word online? I bet you have never done that before. Lol, you dont have to get mad at me just because most everyone on this site disagrees with most everything you post.
This site is about helping people. I see that you try and help but your always pushing the same thing. Every post you have posted on this site has been about arsenic laced plywood and rivets that arnt meant for marine use. Is that stuff okay to use? Sure. Is it the best way? I doubt it. Just because I and many others tend to disagree with you dosnt mean you need to get all pissy and start calling me out for a mispelling so you can make yourself look better than me.
For the record, 13 bucks is cheaper than 20 and I can use my air hammer for a million things. Your rivet gun can only be that, a rivet gun. I'm sure your way of doing it is fine, I'm just saying there are other ways. If someone posts something and I feel like there is a better way to do it, I'm gona post it. Dont take it personal. if your just gonna cry and moan and cause trouble every time some one disagrees with you, your not gonna last long here.
BTW, theres probably a mispelling in this post if you wanna try to make me look stupid again!!