I don't know man, My mom has a 637(the aluminum/stainless version of the 442 I think) and I absolutely HATE shooting it. Even with light plinking loaded ammo, it sucks...its horrible when shooting +P...horrible recoil...worse gun i've shot thus far. I suppose if its gonna be one of those "safe queens" or never plan on shooting it much, probably won't make much difference. But if you plan on taking it to the range much, I would either keep the M&P or look into something else. I haven't really shot any other J-Frame style revolvers so I wouldn't know what to recommend, but I know I hate shooting this 637. I had thought about either looking into a steel framed .380 or possibly a different steel framed(figure maybe the heavier weight might help with recoil) j-frame for my mom to shoot(she's only pulled the trigger on this 637 like twice and won't shoot it again) because she is not able to handle this one.