silly question Install bolt to deter motor theft

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2009
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Upper Michigan
I was looking at my 2001 Johnson 8 and where it bolts to the transom theres a hole in the bracket. would there be anything wrong with drilling and installing a stainless bolt maybe an allen bolt and keyed nut to help deter theft? I know youre not going to stop most thieves but maybe the person who would just unscrew the clamps wouldn't bother with it if I had it bolted..... the boat is old so im not concerned about drilling the hole. is there a reason NOT to do it? thanks
My 20 is bolted on, I have heard too many stories of motors coming off the transom too, but I did it also to help prevent the kid down the street from lifting my motor. Although the 20 4s is pretty hard to lift. 
Not a silly question at all. They even make 'bolt locks' that go on the nut end of the bolt, using a proprietary Keyes like a McGard lock so one just can't turn the not off. ANYTHING to make them go on to the next bait or next house for easier pickings is what you want ...
I think bolting it is a good idea. I plan on installing my Yamaha 20 4 stroke clamped, bolted and clamp lock if possible. Anything to make it harder to steal will send them on to something easier. Yes, I also have a lock on the trailer that goes over the ball socket and not the clamp.
As long as you won't be removing the motor on a regular basis, bolting it on makes a ton of sense. Not only does it deter a thief, but it will be more solid on the transom and cut down on some vibrations.
I just did this yesterday with my 8 HP Mercury. Took about 5 minutes.

I bought it directly from McGard:
I bolted mine on, and then bunged the threads up with a hammer really good. I'll have to cut the bolt off, but it'll make it a lot more difficult for a thief.

Of course it would take about 30 seconds with a sawzaw to just cut the whole transom off though.
I NOW always bolt my motors in place. Lost a 25hp Yamaha on the way to the ramp one morning. It was very nice of that state trooper to stop me and let me know. Bolt it!!!
Thanks for the feedback I know it's like locking your car... Not going to stop the real thief but for fun my wife timed me with a stopwatch I walked up and walked away with the motor in 13 seconds..... I'll be ordering that mc guard kit thanks again

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