Suspicious looking mole/bump

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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Remember to use plenty of sunscreen, summers almost here.

Had a suspicious mole/bump thing cut off my ankle yesterday so now I get to play the waiting game till the biopsy results come back. yay!

Doctor said he didn't think it looked like a bad thing so I'm hoping he just wanted to milk the insurance a little. It was on my ankle where who would apply sunblock? But it was where it naturally faces up when riding the mower and sitting in the boat.
Hey, Parkerdog, good luck...and good advice. Doesn't sound like your physician was milking the insurance company so much as potentially saving your life. I'd say it would be worth it.
I had one removed from my backside (in a location that rarely ever sees the sun). The Dr. asked when I first noticed it, I told him that I had never personally seen it given it's location. My wife pointed it out for me. Wound up taking a hunk out of me that I thought was never going to heal back up!
I had a mole on my face that swole up huge last year and I was worried about it turning cancerous. I went to a dermatologist who told me a cyst had developed, then just got infected - he wasn't worried and even said that it didn't need to be taken off, so I didn't. Then I went home and told my family; they all told me they always had secretly worried it would someday turn into cancer. It's kind of hard to keep something on your face that the people in your life are worried about, so I had it lopped off & biopsied. Everything came back clear.

Based on that experience, I'd tell you that we don't always do things like getting moles removed for our own well being (although we obviously benefit) but rather to stop those who care about us from worrying. Best of luck with the biopsy results!
I'm checked yearly.

But each year with my check up, I have a day of prep and a night of power washing the toilet. :shock:

Walking in and letting them carve something out sounds like a pleasant change of pace to me.

Best of luck though....I know how these things can wear on the stress factors.
[url= said:
fender66 » Today, 07:50[/url]"]I'm checked yearly.

But each year with my check up, I have a day of prep and a night of power washing the toilet. :shock:

Walking in and letting them carve something out sounds like a pleasant change of pace to me.

Best of luck though....I know how these things can wear on the stress factors.

My first surgery this year was for a MONSTER polyp which had to be taken out surgically. Five hours on the table! Like you, I now have to go back yearly for the "up scope" procedure as the doctor said that I'm a polyp maker. I now have a custom padded pottie seat just for that event! :roll:
[url= said:
BassAddict » 3 minutes ago[/url]"]Hey Ahab can you look at this, i can't quite reach. Is this a mole, a freckle or a tick?

That's funny, I see guys reach that spot all the time in movies that pop up on the internet. It's better when a girl looks for you though.

Good news is mine was something called a "Dermatofibroma" which I'm still researching.
Not skin cancer anyway so I'm happy.
Now I need to get the stiches out and it will be time to fish. Doctor didn't think I needed to be submerging the stitches in lake water because my boat dock is underwater. I told him I eat the fish out of there and it hasn't killed me yet.
parkerdog said:
[url= said:
BassAddict » 3 minutes ago[/url]"]Hey Ahab can you look at this, i can't quite reach. Is this a mole, a freckle or a tick?

That's funny, I see guys reach that spot all the time in movies that pop up on the internet. It's better when a girl looks for you though.

I am banned from the good stuff on the Interweb, thank god authorities still let me pester the tinboats community for an hour a day every other week :).
Had a little bump just above the hairline on my forehead since I was probably 18 or so that kept growing until I finally went to the doc a couple years ago. There were two cysts about the size of peanuts just below the skin. He cut out a little football shaped piece of meat and sewed me back up. Never heard back from him so I guess everything checked out :LOL2:
I keep a close eye on my body now more than ever. Last year I went in for my routine annual physical and when the doc did the ol' finger up the ass trick he told me he felt a "mass" on my prostate. 4 weeks later I was in surgery having my prostate removed.....I was in stage 2 prostate cancer !!!! I had no symptoms or problems what so ever. It was caught early by my ever watchful family doctor. I am only 43 years old by the way ! It made me a H-U-G-E believer in the importance of having a thorough annual physical. I went to my dermatologist after my prostate removal and had a full body exam as a precaution and was pleased to be just fine with my moles and such. I am going for a colonoscopy next year just for safety's sake. My prostate cancer has turned me into a "cancer-phobe" I think...LOL ! I thank the Lord above that I took the time to have my physical done last year. I almost skipped it but went anyway. Due to the fact that my cancer was in the early stages and I opted for a full removal, i did not have to have chemo or radiation. My Urologist said my chances of being fully cured are about 95%....WHOOT !!! Early detection is paramount. My days are brighter and the roses smell a little sweeter now than they used too. Never take your health for granted. It can take a nasty turn for the worst in the blink of an eye. I speak from experience ! I lost a close friend of mine last October to prostate cancer. He never went and got checked and once the symptoms became bad and he finally did go to the doctor and they discovered it has spread into his kidneys, bladder and spine.... he was too far gone to benefit from treatment. He passed away 2 weeks after his 41'st birthday !!!!!!

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