1/3 - 255.2 - no push-up number recorded
1/10 - 257.2 - 13 push-ups - Family was in town and I probably ate too many things that aren't good for me.
1/17 - 255.6 - 17 push-ups! Heading the right direction!
1/24 - 254.2 - 20 push-ups.
1/31 - 253.6 - no push-ups recorded
2/7 - 254 - 21 push-ups. Kind of plateaued again in both lifting and in weight. I know I haven't eaten the best in the past 10 days, probably had a few too many sweets and a little bit too much popcorn. I want to work extra hard for the next 3 weeks because I know that I've got a trip to Mardi Gras coming up and that's certainly not going to help lose any weight.
2/14 - 251.8 - I recorded 12 push-ups last night; I did a pretty intense weight training session on Wednesday night, so last night my muscles sore and I didn't want to push numbers and risk injury.
2/21 - 250.0 - I've dipped on my pushup goal, but have still been working out regularly. When I recorded push-ups on Wednesday, the number was 17.
2/28 - 249.8
3/7 - 246.6 - I didn't record weight last week on here because I was on vacation. Chris - I feel your pain about the scale, I definitely feel that mine is wrong, because there's no way I went on vacation and managed to lose weight, especially >3 pounds. I'm pretty sure that replacing the battery will fix the problem of inconsistency, but for now, I'll keep this weight and cross my fingers that I had a really good week [-o<
3/14 - 250.4 - The same way I felt last week was low, I felt that this week was high, but I'm happy to take the variance as the weight isn't the most important thing to me, it's more about fitness. I'm excited that things are going the right direction, especially since the spring is almost here and historically I lose a few pounds when the weather warms.
3/21 - 251.4 - While my number is a bit higher, I'm not discouraged. I've been hitting the weights pretty hard and I'm inclined to think that the increase I've seen in the past couple of weeks is muscle driven...not suggesting that I've put on 5 pounds of muscle, but I do think I've put on some in the past few weeks. I've also shifted my push-up focus to form first, then numbers. I've been doing 15-20 in the best form I can instead of trying to just push numbers.
4/4 - 249.2 - I purposely did not weigh in last week b/c my wife has been getting hung up by being at a plateau. I told her we're not weighing in and I hid the scale. We're eating right and exercising right, our bodies will respond as they choose - being healthy is more important than just losing weight.
4/11 - 250.0 - Pretty much just living in this range apparently.
4/18 - 248.8 - I've been working doing different push-ups on the TRX thing at the gym; working on shoulders, chest, and back pretty constantly, but I haven't done a full count of standard push-ups for a few weeks. I'll try to get one in and edit my post here (at work, so it might be a bit awkward to just start doing push-ups).
4/25 - 249.8 - This is now 4 straight weeks of 250 or less. Progress is slow, but exists. My hope setting out was to lose about 20 pounds for the year and right now I'm roughly at that pace with the summer coming on. I'm pushing my workouts pretty hard and I expect that I'll get there.
5/2 - 247.4 - I pushed myself working out pretty hard this week and I also went cat & carp fishing on Sunday (which is quite a workout). I can do 20 push-ups pretty easily now, but I haven't pushed myself to a failure rate in a few weeks, I do still need to do that sometime soon.
5/9 - 249 - I ate too much spaghetti last night so my weigh-in was a touch high. I had the toughest work out I've ever had last night and did it on an empty stomach, so I overate. I did quite a bit re
ush ups last night, with several variations of diamond/tricep, on bosu, and burpee push-ups; in the course of my work out I did roughly 100 in an hour, but still don't have a failure number now.