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So a few weeks back I was scheduled on an audit, but had to bail on the audit team because I had too much crap to do in the office (and it was an extra 3 days that we had not scheduled for) - I got so much crap about it from one of the managers - she took me off all her audits this year, ran my name down etc... well just today, SHE bailed on an audit that's been scheduled for months - she said she had too much crap to do in the office. About 5 people jumped her already about the irony of the whole thing - of course 'her situation is different'. :LOL2:

My approach was not to rub it in, but say - "I'm glad you listened and learned from me how to say 'no' once in a while" - Got a good laugh from her.

Ahhh, the joys of tax season and auditing demands!
They say a dog is man's best friend, perhaps, but I've got a cat that runs to meet me every morning when I come home from work (I work the night shift, by choice). I say the cat loves me....my wife says the cats just hungry.....the cat does seem to ignore me after I put the food in the bowl.
ebcbob said:
They say a dog is man's best friend, perhaps, but I've got a cat that runs to meet me every morning when I come home from work (I work the night shift, by choice). I say the cat loves me....my wife says the cats just hungry.....the cat does seem to ignore me after I put the food in the bowl.

Funny, my cat does the same thing. :D

Both the dog and the cat come to the door every day. The rest of the family could care less. :LOL2:
wasilvers said:
So a few weeks back I was scheduled on an audit, but had to bail on the audit team because I had too much crap to do in the office (and it was an extra 3 days that we had not scheduled for) - I got so much crap about it from one of the managers - she took me off all her audits this year, ran my name down etc... well just today, SHE bailed on an audit that's been scheduled for months - she said she had too much crap to do in the office. About 5 people jumped her already about the irony of the whole thing - of course 'her situation is different'. :LOL2:

My approach was not to rub it in, but say - "I'm glad you listened and learned from me how to say 'no' once in a while" - Got a good laugh from her.

Ahhh, the joys of tax season and auditing demands!

Well you must not work for H&R Block then.
I faithfully used them for 7 yrs. One day I get a letter from the IRS, saying I'm being audited. I wasn't worried cuz I paid for the audit protection. Yeah H&R block did nothing for me!!!!!!!! That company is the biggest scam I've ever seen. Now we use a private buisness, and we get more money back, and spend less to do it.
Perchin - I hear you on H&R B.... - I can't recommend them to anyone. About 1 in 2 of the returns I get from them are not done correctly - (that is my personal experience so it isn't hearsay, rumors, etc...) I offered to do a return for a friend of mine, but he wanted his 'rapid refund' where they charge you 300% interest on your own money to get it to you in 3 days. He could have had his money in 10 days for free. Anyway, they charged him just under $300 to do a WI part year resident form, 2 W2 - wage reports, and self employment for a minister - wages only, no other expenses. :shock: That's over 2x what my normal rate was - not including the friends and family discounts. At least they did it right though.

Your local CPA is your best bet to get a good job at a reasonable price. If you take him golfing/fishing, he'll likely spend even EXTRA time with your return :wink:

Ummmm, I drank a MONSTER today - we'll see what time I crash this afternoon! Gotta get some more taxes done!
Dropped my bike off after work for a new front tire. Pick it up after work tomorrow. Supposed to be 70 - 80 degrees here Saturday. WOOOOHOOOO
CRAP - I emailed timesheets home so I could work on them after hours. Of course the email never got here. So I signed in to work email to get it from the sent items, stupid me, I must have sent myself a shortcut to the file rather than the file itself. No wonder it gave me weird notices about file being unsafe.

Oh well, time to catch up on 24 and Chuck with HULU.
Hoss, your right, summer is finally here!!!!!!!! =D> =D> 8) 8) We took the boat to the sand bar today and actually went for a swim. The water temp was around 78. 8) :lol:
Ahhhh the sunburn is setting in nicely.. and I have a 45 degree angle of farmers tan on both my arms from having my arms bent while fishing all day... 8)
After 10 hours on the water Saturday, my face is glowing red except for under my chin and the outline of my sunglasses... yep I'm getting some strange looks at work today.
Ummmmmmm I could go for a good hotdog!