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BassAddict said:
is dropping Marion Barber for Steve Slaton the right move???? Damn you Fantasy Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: If you only knew!
All that droid talk, I was going to put a video up of my phone last night, and what it can do. Found some new programs and got sidetracked. Anyway, I found a website that links to muuvies and such... like expenddddibles :roll: formated for your phone. So nice of them, saves me encoding, and I doubt that these are targeted being such a small number of downloaders :wink:

Gotta love the inet
When calibrating your table saw, it helps to LOOSEN the belt before you attempt to adjust the angle of the saw blade to parrallel. I spent hours trying to figure out why it was angled to the left and wouldn't move. DOH! #-o

Now she cuts nice and straight.
I haven't had time to get on tinboats much in the last month, but I'm still around. I guess I shouldn't be complaining about work - but man, something has got to give! In the last 3 weeks my 37.5 work weeks have been turning into 60+ hour work weeks and it's starting to catch up with me.

I hope you guys are catching some fish... you have no idea what I'd give to be on the water right now to relieve some stress!
The Rock sporting a BassPro hat! :beer:
russ010 said:
I haven't had time to get on tinboats much in the last month, but I'm still around. I guess I shouldn't be complaining about work - but man, something has got to give! In the last 3 weeks my 37.5 work weeks have been turning into 60+ hour work weeks and it's starting to catch up with me.

I hope you guys are catching some fish... you have no idea what I'd give to be on the water right now to relieve some stress!

Must be an insurance thing cause I'm in the same boat.... uhhh, well I don't think either one of us has been in a boat in the last month but you know what I mean ;-)
Shows on tv this am - "Killer Waves" & "Killer Lakes" & "ShipWrecks" - my kids will never go fishing with me again!
bearsphan3.14 said:
Got my Samsung Galaxy S on the droid platform. Love it, it is a bad mother

That is awsome man =D> =D> Did you check out the thread I started about sharing our favorite apps???
Well I got my hopes up about having the opportunity to go to Australia through my company and that went out the window. We earned points to go on the trip through the amount of product we buy from our chemical company. My boss initially told us we might qualify to take 3 people, then comes out and says we almost qualify 4 people. 3 weeks ago or so he had us rank the top 3 people in the company that we wanted to go. Well he told us today who was going, and I was not one of those people. I wasn't even pissed that I didn't get chosen (well maybe a little). I am more pissed about who actually was chosen and how they were chosen. My boss said he left the top 3 people as the 3 highest vote-getters and then basically told us that the 4th person was a mix between votes and who he wanted to go. Well the guy going is my supervisor, I guess you could call him that. He sucks at his job and everyone in the company is fuming over the fact that he is going. He has been with the company the longest, so that part I kind of understand. What I don't understand is why my boss lied outright to all of us on how the 4th person was chosen. He didn't pick the top 4 vote-getters, I talked to over half the company and no one voted for him. I would bet 1000 bucks that I received more votes than he did. I just don't appreciate being lied to and the fact that everyone knows he's lying ought to say something.
Oh and one of the people going just went on the last big trip to Mexico 2 years ago....the other employee that has been with the company the longest- could almost bet they didn't receive the 3rd place votes either.
Oh well. Just had to vent.
I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

Life lesson I suppose
cavman138 said:
Well I got my hopes up about having the opportunity to go to Australia through my company and that went out the window. We earned points to go on the trip through the amount of product we buy from our chemical company. My boss initially told us we might qualify to take 3 people, then comes out and says we almost qualify 4 people. 3 weeks ago or so he had us rank the top 3 people in the company that we wanted to go. Well he told us today who was going, and I was not one of those people. I wasn't even pissed that I didn't get chosen (well maybe a little). I am more pissed about who actually was chosen and how they were chosen. My boss said he left the top 3 people as the 3 highest vote-getters and then basically told us that the 4th person was a mix between votes and who he wanted to go. Well the guy going is my supervisor, I guess you could call him that. He sucks at his job and everyone in the company is fuming over the fact that he is going. He has been with the company the longest, so that part I kind of understand. What I don't understand is why my boss lied outright to all of us on how the 4th person was chosen. He didn't pick the top 4 vote-getters, I talked to over half the company and no one voted for him. I would bet 1000 bucks that I received more votes than he did. I just don't appreciate being lied to and the fact that everyone knows he's lying ought to say something.
Oh and one of the people going just went on the last big trip to Mexico 2 years ago....the other employee that has been with the company the longest- could almost bet they didn't receive the 3rd place votes either.
Oh well. Just had to vent.
I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

Life lesson I suppose

Bummer man! makes you think sometimes how people get into the positions they have at your place of work. I know I scratch my head with some upper ups at my company.
Dropped my '02 Tacoma off at the dealer this morning for a frame replacement. Gave me a '10 to run until mine is done. Nice ride, little too fancy for me, though.