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If your wife wants you to help out and do half the work around the house, does she have the right to be madder at you when you clean exactly one half of the stove? :roll:
My wife applied to Georgetown and George Washington University...both cost substantially more than I make....then she started talking about Penn...I thought both of those schools were bad, but I could send her to both 4 times over before paying for Penn :shock:
That's the part that stinks. Wasn't even called in for any of today's cases. No need to go in tomorrow morning but have to call around 11:15 to see if I need to go in for the 1:00 cases. If not needed then, I have to call after 4:30 to see if they need me to come in Wednesday. I'm supposed to be working 6-6 tonite, couldn't because I didn't get out of the courthouse until nearly 3:30pm. Supposed to work nites tomorrow, but have to have someone cover my shift in case I have to go in for the 1:00 cases. If I don't get assigned to a case by Wednesday afternoon, I will be released. I can't plan anything because I just don't know what is going to happen. The only good thing is my company pays me my full wages while off for Jury Duty so I'm not going to miss any pay.
Popeye said:
get a chicken and gather your own eggs. The kids would love it

My father has 4 chickens and gives us eggs all the time......He can keep the mess and smell. I dont think my neighbors would like me to much if I turned the house into a farm. :D
fender66 said:
Jim said:
Why do some eggs peel easy and others just....raise my blood pressure.

+1...that's why I crack and fry them.

normally I do to, but this stupid diet I am on I am only eating the whites. So I boil them the night before and try to peel them but sometimes they just don't peel right and the go down the disposal.

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