Entertain a time when all is simply strange
And yet radiation causes chromosomes to re-arrange
My father worked at (Yellotomic) Plant hinder
And sends me forth with arms thus withered;
But yet, I am not afraid.
I am merely here to lay forth my words
And let you still upon them and think
Fear not
If I see my words fall out in pieces
They land upon the ground like simple feces
No, not who I am
I come before to entertain a play
About young vexing plant hinder
That sets out forth and glows at night and brings forth things
But you care not
You sit in front of your TVs and your balls do glow in the dark
Mind not my words
Let the play say the thing
I'll get back forth and touch myself anon
'Ay, who was that ugly sucker who came hence?
Tis' a strange and vile night, ay
Tis' strange to be loaded and work the night shift
Ay ----
the plant does glow like a huge Acne zit, why?
Hark Look! The ghost of Einstein comes hither!'
'What are you doing with my formula?
I gave you simply E equals M C square
You mashugunna, you ******' up like this?
I merely allowed you an idea to explore the universe
Instead you make money and do this anon!...'
I am truly loaded now
Thence are truly strange, look!
The stream that comes from the plant, what news?
A three-headed fish, no big deal
And yet the newspaper say it’s a minimum warning!
Tis' a vile and strange thing, look ----
The town is on fire!
There be no vexation here
I shall ask my father, he shall know anon
'Father! I knock upon thy door,
Tis I who spawned from your loins
Who comes hither to tell you
Look! The whole town is covered in radiation, know you not?!'
'No son, nothing's wrong look at the news ---
The president would not walk into the plant
if things were awry'
'Father, the president has the brains of a pisshead, my lord!'
Nay, I will ask my mother anon!
'Mother, it is your son Oedipus Schmedipus, I've come to talk to you
What news, my gentle mother?'
'Oh, Tommy
I can’t hear you, I've got the blowdrier on. Give me another valium.'
'No, mama.
She will sit anon and watch Lucy melt into the sky…'
Tis' strange, no one knows
Tis' a vile thing I must apprehence
Nature, money
take the money, nature
money I can't buy,
money could…
I must consult the gods of thy
The gods of utility, they know what to do
'Oh ye, PG&E!
I've ha… What? I'll hold…'
There is no help for me, hither
Tis' a vile question I must interpose myself
I know, my course is resolved
I know what one to do
Strange, yet I must
I shall go to the plant and pull out the rods
Diffuse so we will not have meltdown
And speak Chinese anon
Strange could be a good idea for cinema, but I know not
I shall wander hence
To the plant while I speak anon
Passed on the security guards
they have passed out a'non
I am hither, I am finally in the room of radiation
Oh no! Too late!
I have gone too close to the reactor, but there is no price to pay!
Ay, the rays and lightnings I pull the cords anon
Ah too late a chain reaction!