franner11 said:
Awesome build! I am thinking of doing almost the exact same thing on my 1542 tracker - including the side board that'll hold the cup holders etc. Have you got that part finished yet? Decided to close it in, or leave it open? I'm contemplating maybe leaving it open and putting some kind of bungie netting below to hold life vests, etc.
Oh, and have you tested your 7.5hp Evinrude? I'm picking up my 8hp Mercury today, but I won't be able to test it out under load etc. until after Memorial Day - but I have a good excuse - a trip to Hawaii!!!
Thanks for this inspiration! And keep posting your progress!
sbm2240 said:
Boat looks great and love the design layout. I'm building a Lowe 1236 right now. My front deck was done exactly as yours, however my front storage hatch is on the top (i'm not going to use it as a standing platform, just storage and front TM mount).
2 Questions for you:
1. The pedestal seat mounts - have you tried them out yet? How well did they hold up? Right now i'm still using the clamp seats and just waiting to end up in the water! I'm going to use your design. I'm 230lbs and need to have it solid.
2. Please let us know how well the 7hp pushes you along? I'm in the middle of searching for a motor. I was thinking a 4-7hp motor for my 12', but have had others tell me that won't be enough. My boat is rated for 10HP but i'm concerned of the added weight.
Thanks a lot guys! I really appreciate the replies/comments/questions etc, so keep em coming. I love being a help to you guys! Sorry for the slow responses, Ive been extremely busy lately. Im a senior in college and the work has been piling up and now finals are here, plus I work at a local factory as well, so time hasnt been on my side lol. Oh yea, Ive also got some new chickens and have been hurrying to finish a new coop because them little buggers grow fast, so thats slowed the progress on the boat as well.
Franner11-I havent got the side console done yet. I do however have the pieces I want cut out. I just havent decided how I want to mount it yet. Im not sure if I should leave it open or close it up to store stuff in. I like your idea with leaving it open and putting bungies on the bottom, I think thatd be cool. I think Im leaning towards enclosing it, I already have that piece cut for it too. Im also not sure if I should add one to each side to evenly distribute the weight in the boat, or to just have one. I used some pretty thin plywood and the pieces are extremely light, so Im actually not as concerned if its gonna add too much weight to the side of the boat if I only add one of those consoles. Ill talk about my motor here below. And that trip to Hawaii sounds awesome, I wish I could get away like that n get out of this crappy PA weather. Seems like its been raining here forever, which is the main reason Ive only got my boat out on the water once so far!
Sean-I have got to try my seats out, and I love them! I mean I was only out once (this darn rains been holdin me up) but they are great. I dont kno if you saw my posts above when I was mounting the seats, but I used the toggle bolts in the bases and theyre not moving anywhere, theyre definitely rock solid. I dont think youd be disappointed with that set up, and its a huge improvement over them clamp on seats. The only thing I hesitated on was drilling holes in my brand new boat, but after carefully measuring and getting everything where I wanted it I decided to dive in. My friend was in the middle seat and I was in the back when we launched the boat for the first time, so I got someone elses input as well, and he felt the same way I do about the seats.
As for the motor, I am very pleased with it. With me and my friend in the boat together, that 7.5 pushed us along great. Im used to fishing in a kayak so this is a huge upgrade lol. When I launched the boat for the first time, it was actually an extremely windy day, so the water was pretty choppy. The 2 of us moved along great and I didnt even get to open it up all the way because of the water conditions. I was on a medium sized resevior which is about 4000 acres at normal summer pool (yea, I usually dont fish small lakes lol), and I was up and down that lake all afternoon with no problems. I plan on getting the boat out this week since the weathers startin to clear up, so Ill take my gps and get an exact reading on speed. Maybe Ill try and post a youtube video of the performance and such if you guys would like that too. I did just buy a new minnkota 30lb TM, but I havent bought a battery yet, so I am curious as to how much that extra added weight will affect the performance I experienced from the first outing. Now of course bigger is better when it comes to motors, but if you find a decent size motor in great shape for the right price, then jump on it, unless you like to wait around for something specific. But I think that a motor around 4-8 hp will get you going pretty good. I have a buddy who had a 4hp evinrude on his 1232 and he said he wouldnt win any speed races, but it got him around his lakes pretty decent and the thing ran like a top so why not use it. In my opinion Id go a little larger than a 4, a 6 or 8hp would be great on that boat. Im not pointing any fingers or anything nor do I have anything against anyone or their opinions, but I dont see a lot of good conversations about smaller motors and everyone is always about getting the biggest motors they can find to go as fast as they can. I dont kno if Im the only one who notices others trying to persuade people away from smaller motors or what, but I know some of the best running motors out there are the smaller Johnson/Evinrude or Mercury motors. I mean like I said, bigger can be better, everyone knows that, but its all about what your prefer and how you'll be utilizing your boat. I like my little Evinrude because its light (56 lbs) and has power for sure.
Sorry for the story lol, just my 2 cents. If I left something out or you wana know more just ask, I love helpin. Ill try and get some new pics and possibly videos up for you guys as soon as possible, so hang tight.