Well it finally warmed up enough I was able to get the back gates opened and the boat out of the back.
The sky winch works if you have a strain on it, with no weight or pressure the line will slip, hold the bitter end tight so it can get a bite on the line and it will pull till the line breaks, it needs a load to get a grip.
I like it, my boat weighs nothing, 110lbs, so I can pull it easily without the winch on level ground, once loaded it will be just right. I installed a turnbuckle as a safety to hold the bow while driving, along with a ring I made from two J bolts welded through the 1/2" bow eye, fashioned an oblong ring 1/2 thick 2"x5", I believe they had the painter line tied through this 1/2" rough nasty hole before.
To late for pictures tonight.
I've done a lot to get it street legal again so I can take the boat to the lake an see how it floats,well after I fire up the motors to make sure they all run, I'm not sure if the ice is gone at the lake yet.
Spent my down time this cold snowy season checking out places I can and will use this little boat.
The set up with the rollers may be just what is needed to launch this boat. Many places have no ramps, you must carry the boat to the water.
This high roller trailer is at a good height to manhandle the boat and will be nice in getting down the river embankments, and over the post and cables that surround the parking areas, I hope they don't ban people till after I'm dead and gone.
Will post some pictures soon.
With an irrigation controlled lake here, the level is dropped 20' in the winter and in a couple weeks it will be raised and I want to see what the canyon walls look like at the low water level, where fish will be in the summer. Not many nice days mostly high winds 50 60 mph gust so looking for the one good day to run up the canyon.
So first things first, lots more to do on the trailer, boat and the motors. Test the motors starting tomorrow, then a water test asap. pictures have to wait.