Traveling with boat in tow

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SHOP for insurance! I started out with Boat US insurance, and after a couple of years, they started jacking up the rate, so I went with Erie and then Travelers. All of them were great for years, but then they went up. I went back to Boat US, and they went up again.

Now, I have bundled my boat with our home and cars with Allstate, and Allstate is the cheapest insurance EVER! Full coverage, agreed values including trailer with in-water boat towing and roadside assistance included! I'm thrilled all over again, just thinking about it.

The price was so good that I kept asking the agent to double and triple check the numbers. They were sure, and I examined the policy with a fine-tooth comb, and it was true. I don't want to state numbers openly, but it's crazy affordable bundling with Allstate.

One note... you must speak with an agent who understands underwriting boats, and not just cars. If they don't, have them transfer you to someone who does, or they will just be confused, not knowing what to do.
I've had issues too with insurance here, four homeowners companies have dropped me because they claimed boats are an 'attractive nuisance. Other issues i keep hearing is that they won't insure a home with PVC or metal pipes, they won't insure a home with a roof older than 10 years old, and they won't insure a home with oil heat. We don't have gas here so oil is our only option. Although it runs on this street, there's a moratorium on new services because they say the system is over extended.
I'm not thrilled on having gas in my house anyhow but I'd consider it if it were cheaper but lately its not. I'd rather pay $2k per winter to heat my house vs paying $55 min charge plus usage all year long. I'd likely spend an additional $1k per year for gas, not to mention the cost of a new furnace.
I got a warning from the my car insurance company a month ago that prices are going up 50% when my policy renews. I'm already paying $2k per vehicle. (They wanted $2,500 for just liability on my motorcycle, so that got parked five years ago. I was $90/yr for the past 10 years, then they jacked it up to $2,500. Sorry, not going to do it.
I was paying $400/yr in homeowners two years ago, last year they jacked it up to $900, then dropped me, I found another company, and they now declined renewal due to the age of my house. (Built in 1950). I've not been able to find a company to write a policy now. What I don't get is that I've never had a claim and always paid up front.

I priced boat insurance after my agent swore it was 'cheap' and it might lower my truck and home insurance. He came back with a $3,750 quote to insure a boat I paid $800 for 16 years ago. When I asked if the boat as insured when in tow by my truck, he said yes. The boat insurance is only for on the water to cover me if a passenger were to get hurt on my boat. Its not for liability That's extra and they said they don't write liability insurance on small boats like mine.
Needless to say I didn't bother and will likely have to go with no home owners insurance because the only company that will write a policy is Progressive and they quoted me $1,900 per month for just the house, or $3,100/mo if i combine my house and car, but they won't cover my 1 ton truck saying that needs a commercial policy even though its got passenger tags and a camper cap on it.

For the OP, having insurance won't help you much if your 900 miles from home with no boat to fish from or worse yet no truck or boat.

Just a thought, a buddy bought a bunch of those cheap game cams, he put them in the window of the motel and the back window of his truck, plus he bought a motion sensitive alarm that goes off if there's any movement so if anyone climbed in or on the boat or did anything to it it triggers a shrill screeching siren under the hood.

A woman who is is often on the river where I fish leaves her rottweiler in the truck. He's on a leash but its 12ft long and pretty thin. He can get in and out of the cab into the bed at will and I'm sure he can break that lead if he wanted to. No one messes with her rig or trailer. The dog won't let them near it.
Game camera pretty good idea. Unless the boat is covered, that motion detector would go off frequently through the night from cats, birds, etc. Right now I’m in a pretty safe area with it in parking lot next to our vehicles. Leaving for home tomorrow. If I was at some random hotel off interstate somewhere, I’d be a lot more concerned.IMG_5209.jpegIMG_5210.jpegIMG_5211.jpeg
Here in Canaduh, I pay $1100.00 a year for my truck insurance (2017 F-150 Lariat) and my house insurance is just over a thousand a year. 30 year old home.
Yesterday I was at my favorite lake. People there set up a picnic area right by the launch and then left everything at the picnic area while they were out kayaking. No one will touch anything. 99% of the folks are great and super honest. There's no need to be stealing or vandalizing anything. And the good folks always watch out for each other's stuff.
Usually it's just a small group of A holes that rob, burn and pillage but they do it continually so it seems thieves are everywhere. If we treated theft with a bit of urgency, it would quickly come to an end. Thieves that steal a car or boat or other gas operated items should get a hefty jail sentence to keep them away from the good people like us. I believe in harsh sentencing when you vandalize or harm others.
Thanks for the replies! Many great stories that educate, inspire, and cause one to think about what adventures/misadventures are out there!

Some background....
I'm 61, soon to be 62, and retired.

Currently, 100% of my fishing is at several local lakes/reservoirs within 30min of my home. I take my boat on these weekday trips. The fishing is between good and great! Love the proximity of all of these fishing opportunities. The camping opportunities are also great!....Heck, why am I even thinking of going elsewhere!!!!

I have a 25' TT and use it for family trips with wife and younger 19yo son (who has Autism). My older son (25yo) is not much interested in camping/fishing anymore. He's just finished grad school in June, so his future and career are on a different trajectory....which is great!

So it's just the three of us for camping. Wife is a willing participant, but not eagerly looking/waiting for the next camping trip! My younger son, really enjoys camping, but gets bored after about 3-4 days. I camp with just the the two us locally and its great! We stay between 3-5 days which is just about right for him.

I plan on using the TT for solo trips to the Eastern Sierras and other CA campgrounds/RV parks where one can fish extensively without the need for a boat. And in some lakes, where a boat can be very beneficial, rentals are available. These are planned to be 5-10 day solo trips.

For longer adventures and camping/fishing trips where I may want to take my boat, that leaves me as a solo adventurer. Hence the query for those of you that travel, launch, fish, and camp solo.

I have not done any solo trips, but it appears that is what my near future holds if I want to get some bucket list items checked off!

I also think about traveling solo....not so much about my personal safety at campgrounds/hotels, etc, but fishing solo on unfamiliar lakes/rivers. I am inclined to pursue my ambitions and adventures cautiously and conservatively, as I have loved ones whom depend on me.

So, my thoughts for traveling solo, with/without boat, are currently......

1. Take boat, leave boat?
2. Truck camper which allows boat to be taken or not, or hotels/motels?
3. TT for all travels...(no boat, fishing from shore or rental boats)?
4. ???

Thanks for allowing the ramble on!
Game camera pretty good idea. Unless the boat is covered, that motion detector would go off frequently through the night from cats, birds, etc. Right now I’m in a pretty safe area with it in parking lot next to our vehicles. Leaving for home tomorrow. If I was at some random hotel off interstate somewhere, I’d be a lot more concerned.View attachment 122050View attachment 122051View attachment 122052
Have you pinned the nut that holds that coupler in place?? If not, remove the nut, remove the coupler and your off and running..... The nut on the ball also needs to be pinned.....
I think it is just going to be a personel choice, based on what your limitations may be, and what is available at the location you are planning to go. Myself, no problem fishing solo on any water that I'm familiar with. I'd probably stay away from unknown "big" water. Camping solo in a remote area that I'm not familiar with, not so much. Remote, usually means no or poor cell service. More $hit seems to happen, the older I get.
I've had issues too with insurance here, four homeowners companies have dropped me because they claimed boats are an 'attractive nuisance. Other issues i keep hearing is that they won't insure a home with PVC or metal pipes, they won't insure a home with a roof older than 10 years old, and they won't insure a home with oil heat. We don't have gas here so oil is our only option. Although it runs on this street, there's a moratorium on new services because they say the system is over extended.
I'm not thrilled on having gas in my house anyhow but I'd consider it if it were cheaper but lately its not. I'd rather pay $2k per winter to heat my house vs paying $55 min charge plus usage all year long. I'd likely spend an additional $1k per year for gas, not to mention the cost of a new furnace.
I got a warning from the my car insurance company a month ago that prices are going up 50% when my policy renews. I'm already paying $2k per vehicle. (They wanted $2,500 for just liability on my motorcycle, so that got parked five years ago. I was $90/yr for the past 10 years, then they jacked it up to $2,500. Sorry, not going to do it.
I was paying $400/yr in homeowners two years ago, last year they jacked it up to $900, then dropped me, I found another company, and they now declined renewal due to the age of my house. (Built in 1950). I've not been able to find a company to write a policy now. What I don't get is that I've never had a claim and always paid up front.

I priced boat insurance after my agent swore it was 'cheap' and it might lower my truck and home insurance. He came back with a $3,750 quote to insure a boat I paid $800 for 16 years ago. When I asked if the boat as insured when in tow by my truck, he said yes. The boat insurance is only for on the water to cover me if a passenger were to get hurt on my boat. Its not for liability That's extra and they said they don't write liability insurance on small boats like mine.
Needless to say I didn't bother and will likely have to go with no home owners insurance because the only company that will write a policy is Progressive and they quoted me $1,900 per month for just the house, or $3,100/mo if i combine my house and car, but they won't cover my 1 ton truck saying that needs a commercial policy even though its got passenger tags and a camper cap on it.

For the OP, having insurance won't help you much if your 900 miles from home with no boat to fish from or worse yet no truck or boat.

Just a thought, a buddy bought a bunch of those cheap game cams, he put them in the window of the motel and the back window of his truck, plus he bought a motion sensitive alarm that goes off if there's any movement so if anyone climbed in or on the boat or did anything to it it triggers a shrill screeching siren under the hood.

A woman who is is often on the river where I fish leaves her rottweiler in the truck. He's on a leash but its 12ft long and pretty thin. He can get in and out of the cab into the bed at will and I'm sure he can break that lead if he wanted to. No one messes with her rig or trailer. The dog won't let them near it.
I'm in NYS. Our moron governor has decided that NYS is going to prohibit the use of fossil fuels in any building less than 8 stories tall as of 1/1/2026. And Kamala Harris is thinking along the same lines country wide. Thats what the feds do, test it in NYS and if it goes through they encourage it through the country. A good example is the gun control mandates. Gotta vote these starry eyed, wanna make a name for themselves, with pie in the sky ideas out of office. I doubt if we all want to scrap our boats in favor of mandated electric ones.
I've had issues too with insurance here, four homeowners companies have dropped me because they claimed boats are an 'attractive nuisance. Other issues i keep hearing is that they won't insure a home with PVC or metal pipes, they won't insure a home with a roof older than 10 years old, and they won't insure a home with oil heat. We don't have gas here so oil is our only option. Although it runs on this street, there's a moratorium on new services because they say the system is over extended.
I'm not thrilled on having gas in my house anyhow but I'd consider it if it were cheaper but lately its not. I'd rather pay $2k per winter to heat my house vs paying $55 min charge plus usage all year long. I'd likely spend an additional $1k per year for gas, not to mention the cost of a new furnace.
I got a warning from the my car insurance company a month ago that prices are going up 50% when my policy renews. I'm already paying $2k per vehicle. (They wanted $2,500 for just liability on my motorcycle, so that got parked five years ago. I was $90/yr for the past 10 years, then they jacked it up to $2,500. Sorry, not going to do it.
I was paying $400/yr in homeowners two years ago, last year they jacked it up to $900, then dropped me, I found another company, and they now declined renewal due to the age of my house. (Built in 1950). I've not been able to find a company to write a policy now. What I don't get is that I've never had a claim and always paid up front.

I priced boat insurance after my agent swore it was 'cheap' and it might lower my truck and home insurance. He came back with a $3,750 quote to insure a boat I paid $800 for 16 years ago. When I asked if the boat as insured when in tow by my truck, he said yes. The boat insurance is only for on the water to cover me if a passenger were to get hurt on my boat. Its not for liability That's extra and they said they don't write liability insurance on small boats like mine.
Needless to say I didn't bother and will likely have to go with no home owners insurance because the only company that will write a policy is Progressive and they quoted me $1,900 per month for just the house, or $3,100/mo if i combine my house and car, but they won't cover my 1 ton truck saying that needs a commercial policy even though its got passenger tags and a camper cap on it.

For the OP, having insurance won't help you much if your 900 miles from home with no boat to fish from or worse yet no truck or boat.

Just a thought, a buddy bought a bunch of those cheap game cams, he put them in the window of the motel and the back window of his truck, plus he bought a motion sensitive alarm that goes off if there's any movement so if anyone climbed in or on the boat or did anything to it it triggers a shrill screeching siren under the hood.

A woman who is is often on the river where I fish leaves her rottweiler in the truck. He's on a leash but its 12ft long and pretty thin. He can get in and out of the cab into the bed at will and I'm sure he can break that lead if he wanted to. No one messes with her rig or trailer. The dog won't let them near it.
That would be enough to make me move ! Expensive in my area but no where near your costs. I use an independent agency by that does the searching for me, he knows what questions to ask....compared to your rates, moving to my area would pay for the move in savings.
I'm in NYS. Our moron governor has decided that NYS is going to prohibit the use of fossil fuels in any building less than 8 stories tall as of 1/1/2026. And Kamala Harris is thinking along the same lines country wide. Thats what the feds do, test it in NYS and if it goes through they encourage it through the country. A good example is the gun control mandates. Gotta vote these starry eyed, wanna make a name for themselves, with pie in the sky ideas out of office. I doubt if we all want to scrap our boats in favor of mandated electric ones.
I have moved for reasons less important than yours....why stay there and become part of the problem ? Remember that NY is a big free handout state, that is why everything is expensive, to many folks choose not to work.
I pay more in car insurance each year then my car and truck are worth.
I've got a perfect driving record but apparently insurance companies rate you on your credit rating not driving record. Since my house, car, truck and boat are all paid for and have been for 30 years, I'm a high risk and pay more for insurance than some 17 year old kid with a hot rod.

I can't find home owners insurance either, they give a thousand reasons why they either won't write a policy or why they have to charge me $3k/mo for it. I don't make that much, never did and never will. three years ago my home insurance was $550/yr. I got dropped 6 times in three years and ran out of options a year ago.
I've heard:
Your roof is too old, (19 years old), your house is too old, 75 years old, your car is too old, 2005, your house has oil heat, we don't insure copper plumbing, we don't insure PVC plumbing, we don't insure homes with septic systems, we don't insure homes with vinyl siding, we don't insure homes that haven't had a new electrical service installed within 5 years, and the list goes on.
I don't believe in fixing what isn't broke. my house was rewired a little at at time over the first 10 years I was here. My car has 11,000 miles on it, its an 04 Lincoln, I plan to die with it.

My truck is a 2002 F350 diesel crew cab with a slide in camper, it's not going anywhere. It has 3900 miles on it since new. To the insurance company its a 'high risk of fire and a 'commercial vehicle that cannot be kept on premise'. I have two boats, which are also an issue with five companies who specifically called them an attractive risk. One company came out and measured my house and said there's a discrepancy in its size. They claim my 30x30 foot home with one floor is an 1,735 sq/ft home. Unless they're counting the shed, driveway, and my outside steps I get 900 sq/ft.

What I don't get is that I've had the same type of vehicles and the same two boats for decades now. Nothing has changed but suddenly now there's a problem.
That would be enough to make me move ! Expensive in my area but no where near your costs. I use an independent agency by that does the searching for me, he knows what questions to ask....compared to your rates, moving to my area would pay for the move in savings.
I thought about that but the cost to move and the fact that I likely won't get enough out of this place to buy another place somewhere else kind of kills that idea. My working days are behind me at my age and the shear logistics of moving everything myself several states away is more than I care to deal with these days.
I looked at places in WV and TN but the property value there is higher than what I have here so I'd be starting over in my 60's with mortgage and not enough income. I can't collect SS till I'm 67, and that's 6 years away. I live off my investments now and haven't been able to find a job that paid enough to justify the gas and wear and tear on my car to get there. There's plenty of jobs if you want to work for minimum wage but that don't pay the bills if you put half of it back into your tank or have to buy a new car every four years because your driving a hour each way to work.

Home insurance here went nuts two years ago, now all the companies that came in and wrote new policies are gone, they dropped everyone and left.
Now all is left are companies that want $2k or more per month to insure a house worth $70k.
They make up all sorts of excuses as to why they either won't insure you or why they want more than a mortgage payment to cover you. About half the senior citizens on this street have gotten dropped, the other half are dipping into their savings to pay insane rates.

Now we all got letters saying that property taxes will go up by almost double next year making my annual taxes every five years exceed what the house is worth.

The fully renovated house across from me just sold for $70k, its double the size of my house on a double lot with a second floor. An immigrant couple bought it through some gov. program. They in their early 20's and have 7 kids four cars, and are in the process of gutting the house again to change everything they don't like about it. That house has cheaper taxes for some reason than mine because somehow a 45x38ft two story house has less sq/ft than my 24x24ft single story house.

The new gimmick is to do property inspections here, they send someone out from the city to inspect your home and property for violations. If they deem you have too many of something or they don't like something they cite you for either hoarding, or failure to maintain property decorum, or failure to do maintenance, etc. This is the city not some bs HOA. I've been getting grief lately over my two boats and my motorcycle trailer, (enclosed 14ft trailer), and had to fight a summons for keeping an 'abandoned' vehicle in my yard. They took pictures of my truck on a Monday, and again on each subsequent day for a week and since I didn't drive or move it in that time they deemed it abandoned. The truck is clean, registered and insured and I drive it when I need it, not for fun. My boats get used as I see fit. I tend to use one for a while and the maybe switch to the smaller boat for smaller ponds. I've let either one sit as long as a year before. Both sat in 2020-21 since all the ramps and the DMV were closed, druing which time they sent out letters saying I had 30 days to remove my two unregistered boats.

They want people to move so the developers or the city can take over and turn these places into city owned rentals or new developments. The city here has been taking over property after property and slowly reducing the tax base and rasing the remaining tax payers taxes to cover the loss. The city owns more than 1/4 of all the land here now. It started around 2009 or so.
I pay more in car insurance each year then my car and truck are worth.
I've got a perfect driving record but apparently insurance companies rate you on your credit rating not driving record. Since my house, car, truck and boat are all paid for and have been for 30 years, I'm a high risk and pay more for insurance than some 17 year old kid with a hot rod.

I can't find home owners insurance either, they give a thousand reasons why they either won't write a policy or why they have to charge me $3k/mo for it. I don't make that much, never did and never will. three years ago my home insurance was $550/yr. I got dropped 6 times in three years and ran out of options a year ago.
I've heard:
Your roof is too old, (19 years old), your house is too old, 75 years old, your car is too old, 2005, your house has oil heat, we don't insure copper plumbing, we don't insure PVC plumbing, we don't insure homes with septic systems, we don't insure homes with vinyl siding, we don't insure homes that haven't had a new electrical service installed within 5 years, and the list goes on.
I don't believe in fixing what isn't broke. my house was rewired a little at at time over the first 10 years I was here. My car has 11,000 miles on it, its an 04 Lincoln, I plan to die with it.

My truck is a 2002 F350 diesel crew cab with a slide in camper, it's not going anywhere. It has 3900 miles on it since new. To the insurance company its a 'high risk of fire and a 'commercial vehicle that cannot be kept on premise'. I have two boats, which are also an issue with five companies who specifically called them an attractive risk. One company came out and measured my house and said there's a discrepancy in its size. They claim my 30x30 foot home with one floor is an 1,735 sq/ft home. Unless they're counting the shed, driveway, and my outside steps I get 900 sq/ft.

What I don't get is that I've had the same type of vehicles and the same two boats for decades now. Nothing has changed but suddenly now there's a problem.
Sorry but that’s a little hard to believe! That would mean 90% of the houses in existence would not qualify for insurance!
Sorry but that’s a little hard to believe! That would mean 90% of the houses in existence would not qualify for insurance!

Not doubting him, but I sure wouldn't want to live there. My insurance for four vehicles is about $140 a month (full coverage on my newest F150, the rest are liability only), and my property insurance for three rental properties is only $150 a month. Property taxes (Missouri taxes everything, including boats, vehicles, and real estate) are $500 a year for me, half of that is vehicles.

We may get the worst of everything weather wise but I can't deny it's incredibly cheap to live here.

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