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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
kansas city, KS
couple days ago my dog (who has the speed and reflexes of superman, compared to me) swallowed a springed treble hook loaded with stinkbait at about midnight. was about to head to vet but figured they'd say to see if it passed. i did not have 3,000 to spend on surgery, but knew i would if it became necessary. you dog owners will understand, they become part of the family. next day i buy pet insurance at 19bucks a month, covers 80% of bills for accidents and illness. then about noon the next day he pukes up the hook! no blood or anything, he's acting as good as ever, so just going to keep an eye on him and see how it goes.
close one! glad he didnt get hooked. if he's anything like my dog he swallowed that stinkbait whole without a chew
hardwatergrampa said:
new a black lab that died from swallowing a tennis ball

When I was young my cousins dog was chewing on a peice of tennis ball that was run over with lawn mower, and he came up missing for a couple days, we found him under the back porch choked to death on the half a ball. On one of those pet shows, they showed an x-ray of a lab who had a thing for golf balls.

Glad your dog got the hook up grizzly. Hope he suffers no ill effects from it.
Whew!!! Glad he's okay. They can be such knuckleheads at times. I know what you mean about them being part of your family. A couple years ago one of my hounds tested the family thing by eating a container of dental floss which we didn't know about till the next day after it had unraveled down his intestines and plugged him up. And of course it's Friday evening the vet's office just closed so off the pet ER. X-Rays confirmed he was plugged up and once we figured out it was dental floss, the only option was to cut it out. As I was picking myself off the floor after hearing the cost of the surgery I looked down at his big brown sad eyes and knew I had to do it. The surgery and 10 days in the ER during recovery set us back 6k.

Good move on that pet insurance. Wish I had of had it :)
Glad your dog is ok...

My Beagle came home from the vet today after staying for two days. He had ate a grackle that my Jack Russells caught and killed. He paid dearly (as did I) for that little snack. :x Bleeding out both ends so bad, I wasn't sure if he was going to make it.