wear your PFD!!!!!


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May 4, 2012
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:( happend this weekend...... sad remider that humans cant breath under water and to wear your PFD. :|
also, heed the weight and persons capacities of the boat you are using.
it is doubtful that the 12' boat they were using was rated for 3 persons the size of the individual pictured.
Sad story. I've actually been looking for something for me & the kids that will allow us to cast. BPS has some on sale for under $20 where the top is mesh with a neoprene collar.
PFD and the safety lanyard, both really should be used.
While PFD's are important when the weather and/or vessel requires the use. It's just as important that people learn to swim to lessen the degree of panic. PFD's can fail and not all being used are self righting.
Gear Dog said:
Sad story. I've actually been looking for something for me & the kids that will allow us to cast. BPS has some on sale for under $20 where the top is mesh with a neoprene collar.

I've used the olive green one for years on my local Electric-only reservoir. I feel a lot better wearing it when the waters really cold and it is pretty comfortable. I don't think it would be a good choice for use on a 50+ MPH glitter rocket though.
8 kids each...WOW
One thing that people don't realize about the Delta here in California, is that there are a lot of morons in big boats. Your out in a small boat fishing in a slough that's about 200 feet wide or less and everything is just fine, the boat can handle the water, wind and current just fine. It's when one of these jack-hats blows by you in their 40 ft yacht, putting out a 4 foot wake that flips your boat. Some of these guys are so brazen they will even blow through 5 mph zones without any regards to other people's boats. Flipping morons think they own the river. I don't know if it's just ignorance or if they just don't give a sh_t!

A short story that happened to me.
I was sitting in my boat one day tied up to a dock at Veira's marina on the Sacramento river. In fact, there was several boats on that dock including a Sheriff that just pulled up. Now this area is clearly marked a 5 mph area including buoy's in the middle of the river. When all of a sudden this 40+ foot boat blows through there doing about 15-20 mph leaving a 3+ foot wake behind them. That wake hit us so hard I swore that my boat was going to land on top of the dock. Luckily the Sheriff deputies were standing right there and witnessed it. They jump into their boat and off they went to chase it down.
Exactly Krawler,..down here in the Redneck Riviera,..we get tourists that have never even driven a boat, rent a 20' pontoon and....well, we get accidents every season, sadly enough
po1 said:
While PFD's are important when the weather and/or vessel requires the use. It's just as important that people learn to swim to lessen the degree of panic. PFD's can fail and not all being used are self righting.
Too true...
Gear Dog said:
Sad story. I've actually been looking for something for me & the kids that will allow us to cast. BPS has some on sale for under $20 where the top is mesh with a neoprene collar.

I use that type of lifevest from BassPro,...pretty comfortable. casting's not a problem
While this is a very sad story, and I agree PFDs are important, there are a few things I want to point out.

The man in the picture is pushing 300 pounds, and he had two other men with him. Assuming some basic fishing gear and other stuff, it is very likely that little 12' boat was significantly over-loaded. Potentially by a few hundred pounds.

It is likely that the men had little to no experience in a small boat.

It is possible that alcohol was involved. The article doesn't mention it one way or the other, but past history of boat accidents shows that the likelihood is quite high.

Certainly, properly wearing an appropriate sized PFD could have saved the men's lives ..... but using good judgement and using the equipment properly could have also saved their lives.

The best piece of safety gear is the one God put between our ears!
My hot button! Get a lifejacket. I like the BassPro one made by Mustang that self inflates with a CO2 cartridge if you fall in the lake. Falling out of a boat in a lake is different from a river (which may be quiet or flowing fast and full of hidden debris). But once you are in the water, your skill as a swimmer makes big difference. But cold water is cold water and a life jacket is designed to keep your head above water until a rescue can be effected!

Colder weather and water at 50 degrees or colder is very different from 80 degree water on a 70 degree fall day in the sun. See what I mean ?

My rule: never skimp on a life jacket, a handgun to carry, toothpaste or underwear or shoes! Maybe add mattress to be thorough.
I have my kids swim across our pool in their pdf's. This way they are use to trying to swim with it on.